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I got to like this jungle theme so much that I dedicate another reward for it if you don’t mind.

Now I’m bringing you the pyramid that I mentioned in the previous post, and with many designs: It could be an ancient burial site or an altar of a god, whose followers still perform some unholy sacrifices for it.

There is another version with a huge pyre burning among primordial ruins and along the stairs of the pyramid, and yet another one with split earth and boiling lava beneath.

Those supporting all three creations this month will get a flooded version and a jungle path map as an exclusive reward in a private message.

I'm pretty satisfied with how these turned out, let me know your thoughts!

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xtbGa4WpLY3vfsY0pVILN4SWj0jeWlfZ?usp=sharing 

Thank you for your continued support!




These look fantastic! I look forward to using them. Any thoughts on related interior maps?


Geniales como siempre! :D


Thanks, I'm definitely going to make it. I welcome all ideas. What do you have in mind? Dungeon? Or a burial ground?

Rob Leonard

I agree...these are fantastic! I'd love to see more related maps along this theme.


An dungeon interior similar to a Necropolis feel. That a devoted Priest reached Lichdom to further their religious order's cause. That interiors lead deeper into the underworks of a volcano. Caverns leading to another deep carbon subterranean ecosystem.


Please, more jungle themes. I'm running Tomb of Annihilation.


Hey, is there any way I can buy the jungle path separately? That one would do wonders for my campaign!