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We hopefully reached a point where even our parents’ generation understands that role-playing games have nothing to do with some errant youth’s conjurer sessions. 

We don’t do candles or rap the letters of the alphabet in poltergeist style.

Or do we? 

Table becomes flat screen, flat screen turns map, and map becomes table again. We go full circle, the ghosts pay a visit, it’s only the soothsayer’s voice we hear - a real RPG session. We wander in the misty realms of fear, where the NPC helping our players is long since dead. 

Within the game, you can cast your cards, find the letters of a murderer’s name or simply use this awesome surface.

But beware! If mum catches you off-guard and comes in that might ruin the illusion of your “innocent role-playing sessions” and your true dark devil-worship is revealed. 😅

A 3D printable planchette is also part of our reward as an exclusive bonus. If you have a 3D printer, or as a third-party service, you can get your plastic token that you can push around on your screen at ease. 

Those supporting all three (every or 3) rewards will get this exclusive content (containing the spirit board and the planchette in both regular printable and VTT png prop versions) in a private message. If you don’t get them today don’t worry, support 3 creations every month and you can pick up these exclusive items next month.

Download link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QvcMrhR-ANP654qLE7bpuqCvzbNf7nWi?usp=sharing 

Thank you for your generous, continued support!



4k mp4, static, WEBM, png, and a 3d printable planchette! https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons Beware! If mum catches you off-guard and comes in that might ruin the illusion of your “innocent role-playing sessions” and your true dark devil-worship is revealed. :D A 3D printable planchette is also part of our reward as an exclusive bonus.



wow really nice one !


Very cool!


SO cool! I'd love to see more animated tabletops!

Will Henson

Oh my god dude! That blows me away


That is awesome! But I JUST did a CoS tarot reading last night LOL!!!




Maybe some different themed tables? Tavern with some spilled ale and coins. Forest that looks like a tree stump with shadows of dappled leaves. Snow or desert with said element blowing across. I'd love some kind of campfire theme but I can't think of anything good for that.


It is freaking awesome! I began with my preparations of Curse of Strahd and it is awesome how many maps you made of Ravenloft the camp of the Vistani,... THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Very. Freaking. Rad. Please, though, can we get a png version of the planchette for use in a VTT?

Will Henson

This is why you rule!


For real? Really cool concept. I just did a online tarokka reading last week ovre discord. Funky idea. I used real candles, crystals, etc. Maybe with some cool special effects, this could be neat to try!


awesome! wheres the link to the planchette?


Hi, thanks! It was sent out as an exclusive reward in pm to those who have supported all three (every or 3) creations in the previous month. If you didn’t get them, don’t worry, you can pick up these exclusive items early next month. (It'll be sent out in a pm again)


Thank you for including just the table. I will be using this for a splash screen or maybe a surface to lay out the Deck of Many things.


It's not fair to tease the planchette only for some patreons. Luckly we have thingiverse : https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=ouija&type=things&sort=relevant


It would have been nice to have a planchette token to move around on the screen for VTT players.