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What kind of encounter are you looking forward to in the courtyard of Castle Ravenloft?

"A massive wall juts out to connect the outer walls of the castle with the keep. A twenty-foot-wide, twenty-foot-tall archway offers passage through the connecting wall but is blocked by a rusting iron portcullis."

I'll add the eastern courtyard to the set this week as a free addition including areas K3-K6.

Get the UHD grid and gridless video files, the gridless WEBM, and static jpg versions for your online games from this shared folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x7AnhKbVRWptdgMCuAH8MFCYABUQcmn2?usp=sharing

Thank you for your continued support!

This animated map pack is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy of WOTC. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.






Love it - need it all asap lol :D


Love it though the upper walkway should be continuous. Do you have a version without it broken?


HI guys i have been having issue with the editor. when i use a particle effect it only shows a red circle with a line in it when i place a particle. Has anyone ran into this issue?


Thanks for the feedback. I focused on playability on the ground. If you look the shadows, player will understand that it’s continous. I just thought it’s better to show the portcullis. However I can add a small wallpiece prop to cover it.


Thank you so much for working on this! I’m starting my CoS campaign this Monday so I’m so stoked you’re still tackling the castle! Hopefully my players don’t choose to go there anytime soon (for their sakes) and so I can use the rest of your incredible maps for Castle Ravenloft. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


The gridless folder (m4v) doesn't appear to have these new videos yet.


So cool