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UPDATE 03/13/2021: 3.4.51 is available to download
We fixed two bugs we detected after the v.3.4.5. was released. (Space in a folder's name caused problems, importing a video or an image from such a folder did not work. Also, clicking on sound props caused an error. Both are fixed in 3.4.51)


  • Auto resize for high-resolution background images: Even if the image resolution is higher than 4096 x 4096, you can simply drag it to a story position. The software will make a resized version and import that one into the story position. 
  • Ping effect:  Hit space anywhere on the screen to ping, or double click on the background in the scene editor

  • Paint grid over props This long-awaited feature was implemented to the grid settings panel down in the scene editor. Activate the grid, then click on the "Paint grid over props" button to start painting the grid layer which is above the props.  

  • Prop panels won't open if the mouse clicked and not released.  It’s more convenient if we just want to move a prop, so the panel won’t open. It only opens up if the mouse is pressed and released. 
  • Shake effect: Changed to Ctrl key + click on a prop
  • Forced 16:9 mode for Player (Find it under CONFIG / Player. The forced 16:9 mode will make your Player window not run full screen but in 16:9 to avoid displacement of props if your display’s aspect ratio is not 16:9.)
  • Safety margin is removable  (A 16 pixels wide margin was used in Editor and Player to cover an inexplicable green line at the bottom of the screen which appears on HD videos. Since the videos are rendered in UHD for a year, it’s not an issue for the new video files, but for the older ones. The margin won't appear on still image backgrounds anymore. The default setting is still ON for videos, but you can turn it off under CONFIG/Media. )
  • Immediate change of the custom splash screen (No need to restart the software) The resolution for the splash screen is still limited to 4096 x 4096, the autoconversion for this will be solved in the upcoming version. 
  • Various bug fixes based on the bug reports




If you've forgotten your credentials, or just want to get a quick reminder, enter the email address here you used for Paypal and click the "Forgot your activation key" button. You'll receive an email with the details. If you no longer have access to that email account, please contact me on dynamicdungeons@gmail.com.

What's next?

The development continues. I know that some convenient features are still missing, so we're working on those, high-resolution image support for props and splash screen, UI facelift, improved notes section, freehand tool, sound mixer, and much more is coming.

Known issues:

  • Default assets download failure: We experienced random slow-downs during downloading or decompressing the default asset packs. If downloading or decompressing of a default pack stops, hit Retry, it will do the trick. You can redownload the assets under Config/Media. You can also get the files from here. If you want the assets to be visible in Editor's own browser, copy the assets to: userfolder/DynamicDungeons/editor (the backgrounds should be copied under the "backgrounds" subfolder, props, and particle effects go to the "props" subfolder.) Of course, you can drag and drop assets into Editor from anywhere.
  • Too many assets in the resources folder may cause a memory overflow and ruin the thumbnail generation process. If you have difficulties with the thumbnail generation, keep less content in the resources folder, use drag and drop from an external folder instead of the internal browser.
  • A huge story matrix is still can be resource-demanding and overloads your PC.
  • Mac: Editor, Player or Manager application is missing after installation: If you had a previous version of the app on your computer, it might have been overwritten with the new file and remained there. Search for the missing app (editor_dot_app or player_dot_app) and move it to the Applications folder or to the Applications/DynamicDungeons folder if it exists. Both applications have to be in the same directory, but it doesn't matter where is this directory on your computer, you can even move them manually, but remember to keep them at the same place.
  • Windows app scaling:  If custom sizing percent was set for "Resize text, apps, and other items" in Windows, most of the options worked.  On higher percentage, the Editor window may open out of the screen barely visible. In this case, you should decrease app scaling. If you have problems because of app scaling, use the same app resize percent for the primary and secondary display or lower the resolution or disable app scaling.
  • Editor window is not resizable: We decided to temporarily remove the title bar of Editor to preserve the exact 16:9 aspect ratio, and get the exact same playback on Player, so you won't be able to resize the editor window now. At first, it may seem uncomfortable but unfortunately, it was necessary for normal operation at this phase. It's not set to be always on top, so the Windows button will normally bring up the start menu, the WIN + D key will diminish the app. On a Mac, F11 or Fn + F11, or Cmd + H does the same. Cmd / Alt + TAB switchers also work of course to bring your other apps to the front.
  • 5k resolutions are not supported, use "lower" resolution settings.
  • The maximum supported resolution for props and splash screen is still 4096 X 4096.

If you've come across something that looks like a bug, you can submit a bug report using this BUG REPORT FORM

Changelog 3.4.1.  

- Bugfix for Error1006 which came up for Mac users with an OS older than Catalina 

- Missing icons and missing help content on Mac problems are fixed 

- A problem was fixed when a covered scene was revealed for a second before the fog would be applied 

- Win version is now properly installed to Program Files instead of the Desktop

Overview of the new features from v.3.4.

The most important change in the software is that we integrated the Manager into the Editor so using it will be easier from now on. Starting the Editor will automatically open the player window on a secondary screen. (If it won't, click on the Player window and hit Ctrl+2 to send it to your extended display)  A default player splash screen will pop-up this time, which can be set to a custom image under Config in Player Tab. 

This splash screen will show until we project a scene for our players with the Play button and this will pop-up again whenever we pause projecting the scene. 

The projecting won't stop when you leave the scene editor. You can open and edit another scene and have the previously started scene running on the secondary display. 

By default, you'll see a still image on the Editor (which is now the GM window) when you start to project the video on Player because it's may demanding for your computer to run two videos at the same time. You can, however, set to see a video instead of the still image also on your window. (Config/Editor tab,)

Another important change is that now we have a scene enhancement function in Scene Editor, so we can change the color scheme, brightness, and contrast of the background image or video on the fly:

We have an Editor mode/ FOW mode switch on top of the scene editor. This way we can manage Fog of War more conveniently than before:

With the help of the hue, the token's appearance can be changed in seconds:

and we also have a shaking effect to ping tokens or other props:

By selecting the props more of them can be moved on the map at the same time:

The default appearance of props is different during projecting and when you're not projecting the scene. During projecting, props dragged to the scene are invisible to players by default. If you are not projecting, the dragged props are automatically dragged as "visible-for-players" props. You can also change this behavior under Config. 

Activation is required for full functionality

This update is free for anyone who has purchased any previous version. 

In order for you to use all the functions of the Editor, you have to activate the Application with your e-mail address and transaction ID. (If you can't find the Paypal transaction ID, you can request an automated reminder by e-mail. If you happen to capitalize your email address, use it the same way when you activate the software. For some reason the transaction ID is different on the seller and the buyer side, so please use the one we've sent you, or ask for a "reminder". If you got a different ID from us, use the one we've sent you instead of the one on your Paypal receipt.) One license will let you install the software on two different computers. No continuous Internet connection is required to use the software.





- Activation is required now for full functionality (e-mail address + transaction ID)

- Custom splash screen for Player (it takes effect after a restart)

- Double-clicking on an empty story position opens a browser

- Double-clicking on a thumbnail in the story matrix opens the scene editor

- Manager is now integrated into the Editor, Play / Pause button on the top right corner starts/stops the projection on Player

- Reworked fog of war adjustment

- Background and prop/group enhancement functions (brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, tint), and blending modes for props

- Global prop shadow settings and vertical-horizontal background flip buttons are moved to the new enhancement menu

- Double-clicking on a prop or group will shake it

- Improved prop selection and grouping

- 4 new  dungeon prop were added (+_2_persp.png, L_2_persp.png, Corridor_2x8_persp.png, T_2_persp.png)

- arrow keys navigation in the cardinal directions was removed (maybe we’ll put it back later)

- the option to decrease the size of the video has been temporarily removed (an upcoming patch will bring this feature back) 

- combined log subfolder in the working folder




I downloaded it and deinstalled my previous version. Installed the new version and all I have in the folder is the uninstall. Did something not get added for the windows users to the download?


Error We could not find a user with that e-mail address. Unable to activate full version.


This is good news. Had issues downloading the old one. Also, I haven't been able to locate or download the files for the "Fighting Pit." Is there somehow I can downloade the files. Would love to set up an arena or gladiator combat. Thanks. - Tony


Accidentally, the win installer was packed to install the new version to Desktop/Dynamic Dungeons3.4. There you'll find the Editor subfolder and inside Editor.exe, you can launch the software directly from there.


Underground fighting pit: https://www.patreon.com/posts/underground-pit-23633042 Arena: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fighting-arena-26052857


This application is actually for looping and customizing video maps, or building a playlist of scenes, and apply fog of war on images and videos, drop tokens to the scenes, not really a software for making maps. Dynamic Dungeons maps are not made with this software but in various 3d software.


What license do users of this application have? The backgrounds/props/particle effects on the editor and your own maps are your intellectual property, but do I own the video-maps that I make? On Inkarnate, users have a commercial license for the maps they create. Are you offering users a similar license?


No, it's not similar to Inkarnate, as I commented above, it's more of a DM tool for in-person gaming when you're projecting videomaps or images on an attached display and revealing areas for your players using the easy fog of war feature.


How does the 2 computer limit tracking work? I am going to buy a new computer soon, should I refrain from installing until I manage to get through the process so I do not run out of quota? What about later... will I eventually have to repurchase, or is there a way to eliminate uninstalled instances from your system? I know people who just reinstall their operation system every few months, I'm not that eager to make my own life harder, but I've ran into situations earlier where I had to do the same myself.


Also, huge update, a lot of nice features. Glad to see this project is going somewhere despite the pandemic forced many to look for different solutions. VTTs are nice, but from what I see, largely unsuited to project high quality video backgrounds in a real tabletop setup. I'm really excited! :)


Hurray! Been excited for this one. Is there a way to display the grid over the top of items added to the map? Not so important for little bits and bobs, but the for larger items (like the galleon etc) it would be nice if we could scale them using the grid less version, and overlay our grid size from the rest of the map


Error We could not find a user with that e-mail address. Unable to activate full version.


For what I saw this new verison of the editor is everything I was expecting and waiting for so long! happy of the direction that DD took, keep on!!


Happy to hear that. I hope I can speed up the development and announce some new features soon.


Is there no way to change the background / props folders via config?


I see that another user above was able to change the background/props folder, but I haven't figured it out yet. How do you change the path so that it looks at the right folder that I've put them in?


I’ve only got the purchaser transaction ID. Can I get a reminder email with my correct transaction ID?


You have two options under the INFO menu. Move the current working folder and Change the current working folder. If you just want to know where is the working folder, simply click on the "current working folder" button under INFO. If you are moving the existing working folder, be careful because it overwrites the files at the destination and wipes out that folder, so chose an empty folder where you're migrating to. Mmoving to the new directory won't delete the files at the previous location, so you need to manually remove the files. The default working folder is youruserfolder/DynamicDungeons/


Hello i buy last version and my iD don't work, Can I get a reminder email with my correct transaction ID? thx


Request for further updates: When relocating the media folder, please do not create and overwrite existing ones. Huge thanks.


I keep receiving the error " We could not find a user with that e-mail address. Unable to activate full version." Can you please send me a reminder message or new method of activating the full version. Thank you!


I installed the new updated version but it refuses to activate for me. I put in the Id code but no matter how many times I click the activation button it does't do anything.


I have found my email with my transaction ID at the top from paypal but when activating, the program says that it is invalid. I know that it is correct. Also, are we supposed to use the email that we signed up for the patreon with OR the email that is associated with the paypal account that we used to purchase the software?


I’m sorry, I think the problem here is that the seller side and the buyer side transaction Ids are different. We’ll fix this issue in the upcoming version, but till that you can ask for a reminder from the software and get the transaction ID assigned to your email address.


I saw this was an issue aswell after I received an error message saying the ID was invalid. I had to restart the program every time that i wanted to retry activation


Hi sorry new to the program and trying to learn it. My editor doesn't seem to recognize the particles. I'd like to make a custom dungeon, is there any place where there is a tutorial / guide? Apologies and thank you in advance.

Kevin C

Tamas, to Bandy's point. Your particle files aren't actually particle files. Their weird password-protected zip files which aren't reading in the editor. My window os actually recognizes the .particle folders az a zip folder. I downloaded an older version of the editor (3.3) then downloaded the default props from the older editor. Those particle files were correct. Copied them into the props folder and that worked for me.

Mog Watt

I dont understand, now the patreon must pay the application to DL all the props of last version (inn roofs, street, etc.) ? because I've deleted my Dynamic file, and I 've installed the new one. And same question , I cannot record my map, it needs to buy the new version 30 $ , is it normal ?


Love it, great work! Will it be possible to change the hue and such on particles? (For example I couldn't turn the flame animation into a different color, at least not without changing the entire map settings)


Hey chief - I'm wondering - can you edit weather effects?


Question, Is there a way to move the auto grid you have to overlay over Props and not be behind them?


Pretty please could I have an activation code reminder, cant find it anywhere!

Mog Watt

Clearly it's a very good idea. Personaly I dream any living animals like dogs, cats, horses ... or birds in the sky ^^

Eric Layton

Using particles in the new editor/player is causing excessive CPU usage on my MacBook running macOS 11.1.


I used my transaction ID from Paypal. It said incorrect activation key.


Is it possible to export animated maps created using Editor so that they can be used in another VTT like Foundry?


Hello! How can I update the editor for 3.4.1 from 3.2.1 without reminding transaction number? Its says that update is free for last versions owners, but I still need to download and install software, not update. Please help me to activate new version! Thanks a lot :) zikkuratt@gmail.com - is out of list, when I try to recover my tranaction number


Whats going on with this new version i needed to reinstall dynamic on my new rig and now its asking for another purchase to continue using this software? whats up with that? It would be nice for an actual post with clear instructions and not some jumbled rambling mess i have to look through to figure out the mystery. =\


Not yet, but it’s a feature coming soon. There is a tricky way however, you can drag a grid png (find it in the floating islands pack) to the scene and click on the arrow icon in the hierarchy to make this grid prop unclickable.


It’s built in the software, but you can also get a reminder here: http://dynamicdungeons.herokuapp.com/login


Having issues with update. The default splash screen won't project screens when I hit play. Jut shows default screen.


All of the sudden all of the objects on the screen a gigantic and now any time i bring in a new object it's also gigantic no matter the screen I'm working on. Suggestions?


30 minutes of "Building entity cashe system, Working....." Only loading a 1 background story. Anyone having similar issue? Windows 10 - 64bit


Hi Tamas! I am in the same boat as many and my Transaction ID from PayPal does not work. Looking to use the new Editor for tonight! If I may get the correct ID that would be great. Thanks!


I've purchased this software a few months ago and have yet to get it to work. When I tried to download the 3.4.1, it sent me to a PayPal page that said it was sold out. While I love your maps, it's frustrating to use them without the FOW and being able to add props. Help? That's using OSX and WIN.


I want to love it, but how do I activate this? It brings me to a PayPal link that states sold out, same as Greg Keeling from 2 weeks ago.


Are you trying on this url? https://dynamicdungeons.herokuapp.com/paypal


Check these out, and see if it could be possible to run their app via your program. Their app already have access via other VTT. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1024146278/dungeon-alchemisttm?ref=ksr_email_backer_backer_confirmation


Dungeon Alchemist will let you export a top down view image as far as I know, and of course, the output file (jpg or png) can be imported to Editor and project to the secondarry display.

Eric Layton

I am not able to add images or videos to the grid in the new version. Running macOS Big Sur 11.2.3


Which way of importing you have problem with? Dragging or importing by double clicking on a story position? Send me a video showing the problem, please to dynamicdungeons@gmail.com

The Game Warrior

I have same issue with windows. It wont let me import any video if its in a sub folder in user folder. I have to drag the video files I want to use directly to the user folder and then open DD. I have emailed you the log file and a short video.


I cannot get the Player Screen to display properly on Monitor 2. I have messed with Configuration and moved Player Screen back and forth between 1 and 2. I have 3 monitors. The Player Screen displays mostly on Monitor 3, and partially on Monitor 2. If I change configuration to have editor display on Monitor 2, it displays to the far right of display 2 (and only partially). All previous iterations have displayed correctly. Can I minimize Player Screen and "move" it (drag)?


We found the source of the problem, spaces in the folder's name cause the problem. If I removed or replaced spaces with _s, this problem has gone. This must be fixed, of course, so a fix will come out this weekend.


I discovered a strange issue with how the Editor overlays the grid on maps when it transposes to the Player. Not sure exactly what is happening. So let me just explain what I have observed. In the Editor, I can change the scale of the Grid overlay to where I want the lines to cross over the background of my choosing. On the Player, which is displaying on a TV connected via HDMI, the map (background) and effects and icons are EXACTLY correct, howeve the GRID changes. There is a slight change the the ratio of the grid lines between the Editor and the Player. If I move the grid manually on the Editor by dragging it around I can also see it move on the Player, but the lines are not where they are supposed to be. How can fix this?


Thanks for the updates, Tamas. I really love the duplicate function for token creation. A lot of yummy goodies in the build.


Very stoked. Please consider continuing with more of castle ravenloft!


I'll see if I can set up my stuff today or tomorrow to get some pictures for you.


I am having an issue with the prop window. I can't scroll down to the bottom half of the prop window. so I can't even delete , rotate a prop etc... It scrolls but not far enough down and auto resets to the top of the prop window. so frustrating. Is there a way to change the prop window size? or another fix?


I have the same problem as Brian Mc


1034. Error #1034 TypeError: Error #1034 at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent() at com.doublefx.as3.thread::Thread/onMessage()


Does it normally take 2 days to get a reply to an issue with Activation key after purchse? :(


Is there still a feature to perform scaling/rotating/offset of the background image. I've tried using shift and scrollwheel with several mice and can't seem to get it to work at all in the editor.


I am sent to a blank page at https;//dynamicdungeons.herokuapp.com/paypal Attempts to buy through the Free Trial Version of Editor gets to login to paypal but then it states that it is Sold Out and I can"t purchase. Are you able to provide any guidance or information about the availability of the Full Editor/Manager/Player?


Thanks for the feedback, I think it's a temporary problem with the server, it'll be fixed soon.


Thanks for the quick reply; I am looking forward to giving my family game a new look! I haven't shown them any animated maps before and will be revealing this to them at our next session.


Weird I was able to purchase via paypal by following the link in the activation doc https://dynamicdungeons.herokuapp.com/paypal. It billed me and yet never sent me a key 2 days or so ago... any way I can get a key or a response to my multiple emails? Thanks!


Dis you check the email address associated with your paypal?


i have checked and nothing. It is not in spam or any other folder. I have requested resend activation key as per the recover page and it never shows up that way either.


I was told that it's an issue with some lower resolution pcs that they would address it in the next update. (Also you can hit backspace to delete props once they're selected. )


Since I cant access the buttons at the bottom of the prop window (when I click on a prop i can only scroll down to default size button) this software is essentially unusable by me until a fix is available


If you cant switch to a higher resolution, delete the props by hitting backspace. We’ll fix this issue in the upcoming update which is coming in early May.


Morgan Janzen. I have same issue. I noticed when I use a story with a size of 3 by 6 squares I can barely see the rotate button for props. I'm doing this until the next update so I can at least still build my scenes. etc with a smaller story the rotate part disappears. I have confidence that we'll be good to go next update.


*update 4/27* Was contacted but received no information and am now waiting for a proper response. Christopher's response was informative but, after finding a download and putting the file into the player's file myself. It still says files are not found. STILL HAVING THIS PROBLEM. As soon as I updated to this newest version, the player stopped working. I keep getting errors that say, "appscalefinder.exe - system error The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem" I've uninstalled and reinstalled 4 or 5 times now, as well as redownloading both dll files and putting them in their proper file locations myself. (why they even should be missing is beyond me) This is driving me nuts. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!

Mog Watt

Hi, I have a big problem, the player window stays on my main display, under the editor window. I successfully extended my image from my laptop to my TV (second display). In the versions it was done automatically, but when I launch the scene from the top right corner of the editor - the image freezes (normal because I did not activate the option in the configuration) however I see that the outline of my window vibrates slightly, it is the active image of the player window which remains below, but still on my main screen. Usually the media goes directly to my second screen (a page with a slightly pastel background on which the scenes are projected when they are activated from the editor). It's very annoying because the application is no longer useful to me.


I have absolute faith in this being fixed next update. Its come so far since the first launch, I can see it going much farther. Maybe click and drag walls and auto populating interiors eventually. I may have come across as being pissed but i was just joining the conversation in regards to no being able to use it. Ive been told I have a horrible bedside manner lol


Not the developer but that missing dll file means you need to install/reinstall the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 on your machine. It can be found at the following link from microsoft. Once you download and install you may need to restart your machine then try running the app again and see if your up and running. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555


"404ERROR, this download is no longer available". I'll try and find a newer one. Incidentally, this makes no sense why this would just stop working. The program worked just fine, I updated it as before, and now it's missing this file.


found a download. no luck. I don't want to give up but, I'm beyond what to do at this point. lol


I already found new download links for the 2 missing dll's. The problem is there no obvious way to implement them. I've put them in the Dungeon Editor, I've put in the Dungeon Player, and nothing changes. I'm not a programmer, I'm not IT, I don't understand what I'm doing or how to fix it. I, literally, only use this laptop for your program and I've done nothing to my laptop other than download your update, then it suddenly started not working.


Are we expecting an update anytime soon?


Your work is awesome and I'm glad to use it since 2 years (I think). A suggestion I would like to share : it will be great to have a zoom option directly in the player (at least for static map). I explain : I use dndbeyond for my campaigns and often, there is a big map available for a whole dungeon and I need to cut it in part to put it in the software. It will be much more easier to have the main map on one scene and to have the possibility to zoom-in/out directly from the player. I know it's probably very tricky to code, but it's my 2 cents ;)


I hope you can add more particle effects for spells. And I hope its not too much to ask to also have a map with grid good for 30' HDTV. Thanks

Jorge Mejia

I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong with the ping effect. I can do it on the editor but cant see it on screen.


I can not activate the software on my macbook. The window simply does not do anything. Please advise

Gerald Valentine

I've been creating my Dynamic Dungeon collection in WEBM format, but the editor is not compatible with this format. Any chance you'll add WEBM compatability?


Bought the app though Paypal, alas never received my activation code on email :( Anyone can help?


can the app export maps as static or webms for use in VTT's?