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Anyone who has played or is about to DM the amazing Curse of Strahd campaign doesn’t need to be introduced to the Vistani. Welcome to the camp of wanderer gypsies which I built in day and night versions. I hope you like it! 

According to Wizards' fan content policy, I’m allowed to release maps here on Patreon, even if they are based on official adventure modules. I intend to continue and do all the maps for Lost Mine of Phandelver this fall. My big plan is to make the entire Castle Ravenloft from its dungeons to the top of the high tower peak. I would always do this by making alternative versions at the same time, with different layouts so the maps remain playable in a completely different story or setting. I'll continue releasing the versatile grids and random encounter scenes too.

Please comment below which map of which adventure modules you would like to see!  

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Enjoy and have a good time roleplaying! 

Get the complete pack (static and animated versions) here: Vistani Camp complete


And of course, like always, there are exclusive rewards for you, generous Patrons!
Added to earlier patron-only posts you can find two, new road and riverside forest encounter scenes (day and night versions as usual) because we can never have too much of these. 

Chaotic Good Complete Pack
Neutral Good tier level
Lawful Neutral tier level
True Neutral tier level

Thank you for your generous, continued support!
(Don't forget to drop a line below about the official maps you would like to see.) 


VISTANI ENCAMPMENT (Tser Pool Encampment)

New pieces of the fan content series maps are coming to patreon.com/dynamicdungeons for free! Let me know what should come next! (This unofficial content is not endorsed or sponsored by Wizards.) These are static images and 4k videos in day and night versions with and without grid. You don't need to become a patron to get these, but - of course - it would be a great honor to me to have you in our Patreon community. 3 static and animated map packs are coming in every month in the highest quality. Help me to spread this by subscribing to this channel or follow Dynamic Dungeons on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dynamicdungeons Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dynamicdungeon/ Twitter https://twitter.com/DynamicDungeon



I'm starting a new homebrew this Saturday and I cant wait to use this camp to introduce the characters and maybe a little ambush! I would love to see some more city and town maps, perhaps the inside of a throne room or royal palace? thank you for all of your hard work on these and updating older maps too! :D


This is great freaking news; I love CoS. I think it might be the best module that they've released for 5e, and I run it maybe once a year. This is awesome news.


Great that you’re doubling down on official adventures! And as always - great work!


Impecable timing and great maps as always. Just bought COS, and am prepping for it. So would absolutely love as much COS maps as possible. Especially if you have the skills to map castle Ravenloft. Its a tricky castle, that would be the ultimate challenge for map creator. - I notice you toned down the sunlight on the day map, which is good. But is it enough? The sun does not penetrate the permanent cloudy skies in Barovia. All maps there should be cloudy, with a forecast of rain :D


Yessss!! The more CoS maps the better! I’ve been wanting to switch to VTT and this’ll def help me do it. You’re the bomb diggity! 👍🏼


I agree, but the upcoming version of the Editor will be able to change the hue, brightness, contrast of a scene on the fly, giving a completely different mood. So I've decided to make it bright, so it can be also used out of the Shadowfell. I also thought that where the Vistani are, even the sun shines a bit :)


I'm running the Strahd campaign right now and was planning on introducing the camp next session. Perfect timing!


Rime of the Frostmaiden please!

Greg Bowering

I would LOVE some Mad Mage maps

Andrea Russo

great!Tomb of Annhilation please


I would love to see the rest of the starter set, and COS as well. If you nailed all of the module maps with your own personal flair it would be amazing


@ Morgan, actually I'm pretty sure we've already got Cragmaw cave and Cragmaw castle


My roommate absolutely loves Curse of Strahd so I showed him the videos and he is praying you do the rest of them so that our group can make use of them haha


Lol holy moly, that Vistani sound prop is so wild!


I definitely vote for more Curse of Strahd maps and its good timing with the new WoC updated Cos coming out in October.




Fantastic Job! I'll be running Ghosts of Saltmarsh in September! :) I will adapt some of you maps but it would be nice to have Haunted House

Richard Ogle

Some or all of Chapter 4 encounter maps of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist These maps are very reusable for other settings not just that campaign.


This is confusing... how come the "Get the complete pack " link sends yo to a previous post?


I preordered the new Curse of Strahd edition and I'm going to start playing that with my party on Halloween! So this is awesome timing. Really appreciate this!

Marc Cram

Is anyone answering direct messages? I have submitted direct messages here and on the dynamic dungeon website. It's been almost 2 weeks with no answer.


Love it! Thank you! Just started CoS. In the middle of Death house!


General question - I consider expanding from 40" TV to 65" TV. How well does it work in size with the map modeling. Naturally items on the map will be larger, but is it too much? Most maps look natural in size on a 40", but I would like a bigger play area. But will a chair or table or door, become too big for the normal 28mm minis?




I would kill for Undermountain!


New Patron so unsure how the release of props works but is there any way we could possibly get one of the tents as a moving prop similar to those released in previous packs? I am running a homebrew with a large encampment and these would be perfect. If not I understand, just figured I'd ask. Love everything you've done, keep up the amazing work.