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UPDATE 06.17.2021: ROCKY PLAYMAT with swirling black shadows 

(Did you try adding a different feel to the playmats with Editor? Use the contrast, hue, and tint feature in the background enhancement panel.)

I often need blank battle mats, but I've found that some animation really increases my player's immersion. So I decided to make some misty and rainy grids in various styles and also experimented with a burning effect on an aged paper and in my opinion, it came out amazing! 

I think these basic mats are very useful when you need to quickly set up a grid for an encounter and let your players imagine the scene or to use 3d printed or crafted props on the TV. 

This set contains a lot of maps, grassy, rocky, boneyard, and dungeon grids optimized for 40" and 50" TVs. You also get the gridless versions of the natural scenes. With the upcoming version of the DD Editor, you'll be able to color these scenes in real-time to give a completely different feel to them. 

Grassy plain field

Rainy, rocky grids

Misty Boneyard

Burning aged paper

I hope you find these useful, please share your thoughts down below: what sort of animated blank grids would you like to see? 

Get this set from this shared folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B-FzSC-e7mNzDkCGDo0UFwBPize9SZC3?usp=sharing

Thank you for your continued support!




This is just incredible and probably the most useful type of animated grid map imo. The burning aged paper is officially my new go-to for impromptu maps in the Avernus-themed campaign I'm running. If I'm being nitpicky I would ask for the fog/clouds to be a bit less towards the center, revealing a bit more of playable grid space. As far as new ideas, I'd love to see meadows, grasslands, , swampy, sandy (beach, desert, badlands), cobbles (overgrown/ruined and not), water (ice/tundra, shallows, deep water), lava/molten), etc. These are excellent and excited to see more!


These are just spectacular, and will be incredibly useful in the campaign im starting in a week.


Love these all. Grass lands, desert with blowing sands are a few that spring to mind. Also have the clouds/fog traverse the map, not just on the edges.


As to suggestions, a swampy or boggy with mists and rain. Since you are able to do the fire effects on the parchment map a dry grasslands (both foggy and rainy) but with a fire 🔥 burning through the grass like a prairie fire. Any natural landscape but with snow effects. A glacier or ice field. Sea floor or coral reef map. A volcanic lava field map. Desert map with light mist options and blowing sand (just lightly moving the sand across the dunes or a full on sand storm).


These are great! If you are looking for content suggestions, the beach/shoreline seems a natural progression from the ship. and much of my campaign is currently in tundra/glacier area.. But.... Lots of people are running via Roll20 due to social distancing. If I use animated backgrounds like yours, I convert them to an optimized animated GIF, and one under 6MB to get in under the upload limit of Roll20. If I had a suggestion at all, it's to create animated backgrounds, even tiled ones, for that situation.


Very cool. Suggestions - frozen lake, desert sands/dunes, snowy plain, volcanic rock


Would it be possible to get griddless static burning paper?


Swamp would be great


I'd love to see a dungeon floor without tiles to make it easier to add and resize a grid on top! Using a grid added in the Player app, plus the tiles on the dungeon floor map becomes quite confusing. Just a plain stone dungeon floor would be perfect.


Desert sandstorm would be cool, with sand violently whipping around


I agree with @Timothy Nielsen! If each set came with pre-made GIF for Roll20 as well as an under 60 sec MP4 so we could stream it via Imgur to use with VTT Enhancement Suite on Roll20, that would be epic. Then I wouldn't have to edit each map to make it shorter and transition before I could upload it to imgur


I would love to see a parchment style one like the burning one, but not burning. Maybe it could just flutter in the breeze a little, or be lit by a flickering flame of a candlestick in one corner...!


These are perfect for so many situations where you just beed a thematic large battleground.


@Tamas - would LOVE LOVE LOVE templated spell effects like cones and circles for things like Fireball, Fairie Fire, wall of ice etc


The fluttering parchment would be great to create a map that slowly exposes to the players like this is their actual reference map.


TIL Google Drive is dopey. The zip downloads can fail due to the unintuitive nature of the download steps. After Google Drive zips the files, it posts a Leave site pop-up with two options — leave and cancel. It looks like the zip download will cancel if you click on the Leave button, so the right choice would be to on Cancel to cancel Leaving. But that’s wrong. Pressing the Cancel button stops the downloads. As strange as it may sound, you have to click on Leave. Doing that will start the download process of the zipped files. Huh? Leave what? Maybe you should note that for users who don't use Google Drive and are unfamiliar with its bizarre pop-ups?

Richard Keeney

Astral VTT has a limit of 50 MB, what is the best way to convert those over 50 MB?


Desperate for an answer so I thought I would add this here as well ... basically, if I could find a way to have player open automatically on the "extended" TV screen and not be black ... that would be great.


Rookie question: First off, the maps are awe inspiring for new players. My problem: I have a laptop connected to a TV. I open editor and now all I want (for now) is to place a still map in one story box. Fine. I turn on fog of war (have tested this with it off as well). Save it. Press "Play this story", it looks like the player goes to "2" the TV ... manager is small and stays on the laptop. I can use the mouse to reveal fog of war on the laptop (this is all I really want for now to be honest). BUT - the TV is black - all through this process. Sorry for the newb question, I did look around but the video doesn't specify about things like "setting laptop to extend" etc. The faq didn't help and, although there are great comments here, I just didn't see an answer. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Richard Ogle

Sounds like a PC issue and not a software issue. Are you duplicating the screen or extending. I have used several laptops to TV and the software has always found the "non-main' screen to extend too. On that note, make sure you are on the main and the map is extending to the second.

Richard Ogle

You can shrink them down by using one of the stock WIN 10 apps like Paint 3D, Photos, or just "edit" and select anything that stats "re-size"

Richard Keeney

I'm talking the m4v files, not the static jpg or png files... I need to make the video/dynamic maps work with the 50 MB limit


Thanks Richard. That's the problem, it's on extend ... but the player flickers for a second on the TV/extended display, then opens black on the laptop. I can't even grab the player's screen and drag it to the extended display on the tv. Even tried dragging just the icon for the player to the tv and leaving it there. Any ideas? Thanks much.


I would like to see some sort of indoor patchwork wood flooring (unless I missed it somewhere).


Does this on mine from time to time. If I press ctrl 2 it will load the player on the extended screen as it should. Hope that helps


Amazing idea!!!!!!


Great idea. Have you considered remakes of classic RPG maps? Specifically there is a game called Arena the Contest (https://boardgameco.com/blogs/reviews-impressions/arena-the-contest-surprisingly-deep-yet-surprisingly-accessible). Would be amazing to use an animated MAP on this game. I am going to tentatively try and put one together using either this map or the pieces from the modular dungeon tiles. The only thing I'll have to figure out is the hit point tracker around the edge.


Can we possibly get the Misty Dungeon Gridless version? Thank you so much for all your efforts.

Rob Leonard

This rocky map with the swirling shadows is great...thanks! :)


What is the easiest way to write text on the "Burning aged paper"? Can i use the Dynamic Dungeons Editor to do that?