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I'm pleased to announce a new piece of DD's completely f-r-e-e fan content series animated maps. 

Patrons, thank you for your generosity! Besides the normal rewards you already used to get every month, I'll be able to release free maps from time to time for the community. 



You're not charged for this, it's a free giveaway, but you made this happen! Thank you for your continued support!


Cragmaw Hideout Animated Map - Day / Night versions - Free D&D Fan Content

I'm pleased to announce a new piece of DD's completely f-r-e-e fan content series animated maps. Please comment down below, which official Dungeons and Dragons map would you like to see coming to life. Patrons, thank you for your generosity! Besides the normal rewards you already used to get every month, from time to time I'll be able to release free maps for the community. You made this happen! I'll pay attention to your comments here and on my Patreon, and the most suggested maps will be created and will be available for the role-playing community. In these series, you'll find day and night version seamless looping UHD videos and high-resolution static images as usual. I welcome any suggestions you may have. Let me know what should come next! Download the files for free from patreon.com/dynamicdungeons This unofficial content is not endorsed or sponsored by Wizards. In this intro video I used the following track from Amoebacrew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4oiY1Mqj90



Any idea how someone could use this for AboveVTT? Would be super helpful, thanks!


Love that you are doing this. Hate that I've already played LMoP. But this is a great thing you're doing (and if you feel inclined to do Storm King's Thunder or Waterdeep: Dragon Heist next, I, uh, won't stop you.)


Awesome. Running LMoP as my first campaign next week, cheers!

Jeremiah Sells

YES!!! More official content maps please! I second Storm King's Thunder 😀


This is amazing. Lost mines was my first adventure I ran and my brother is running it for his daughters soon. It would be amazing if you released all of the maps eventually. Truly amazing work!


Amazing, thanks to you. I'm actually GM for this campagne ;)


Please more of these.


Incredible.....i just played cragmaw hideout last tuesday! XD


So sad I already ran that one, but it looks cool :) Is it a new trend? Are you gonna continue doing official module maps? If so, I’d vote for Descent into Avernus xD More seriously, I love your work but more than classic stills, I find it difficult to integrate animated maps that don’t really relate to each others in my campaigns. That being said... well done!


Maps from official modules can be only released for free, so I wouldn’t say that it is a new trend but something I can afford to do for the community, and I believe that it’s useful for many people.


Awesome. I vote for Stradhs castle :D


Awesome! Thanks!


Noooo! I played this part of the "starter set" just last session...😭🖤


LOVE your versions of official LMOP maps! Please keep 'em coming! :0)


I love the premade campaign maps!


Thank you Gods of Faerun and a neighborhood of Forgotten Realms. This series of LMOP maps is very important to activate the community and the entry of new players. Congratulations! In this way, you fulfill a social role of renewal for the role-playing community with these maps. And in a way, it discloses its creations and tools to those who arrive here through D&D. I believe that everyone wins with this! You will always have my support!


Amazing!!! Great job!


These are great! But I had a question, I'm trying to use one of these for a one shot on Roll20, but the video will not load on a page I make for the game. I have tried to reduce the size to the limit cap, used an MP4 format that is compatible for the system. But whenever I try to drag and drop the life the video does not show.


You need this browser addon to use animated background maps in Roll20: https://ssstormy.github.io/roll20-enhancement-suite/ Also a place to host the map but then you're good to go.


This is great! I love your work and am impressed with every new release. While I won't be so bold as to request it, I know Sunless Citadel is still very popular in the community. Great for the module, but also great for Homebrews. A bit on the large size, but still fun to imagine the surprise on my players' faces when they are suddenly forced to revisit a scene from early in their campaign only to find that the map doesn't have to be redrawn.


I joined (CG Patron) so that I can access the Lost Mines of Phandalver maps to start. I also purchased your player. I am going to start that with my group in July so the more maps (lost mines) the better. Thank you so much. This Campaign is a great starter set and these are awesome! Please do more LMoP!


ok Where did you get the dramatic music


ran this with good success. thanks. WOuld love to have the Redbrand Hideout and Echo Cave. Seems like a great way to hook new players by having maps to go with the starting adventure in the basic set. Thanks again and keep up the great work.


I hope you can also make maps for Dragon of Icepire Peak :)


I'm so glad you made this! I was planning on running this for a group of first time player at the end of the month.