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What you guys want to see me create in the coming months?

Vote on the themes listed below!  The top voted ones will be made, and d20 will choose between the other options and suggestions to be a bit chaotic. (There are several options for props and animations, that always will contain animated example scenes, not just assets)

I'm sure you also have a lot more ideas, so 

feel free to comment this post to bring in more options!  (and ❤ the ideas were added by others in the comment section)

Thank you! ( This poll allows more responses per person. )



Japanese style ships would be cool.


More jungles, after all Jungle is massive


Some modern and scifi themed maps.


Please add cavern-like props to the modular dungeon, to be combined with rooms and corridors.


The ultimate request would be to have a place where all props are located. Very painful to download each one of them. Modular dungeons


caves, etc should all come with same color....


eventually some scifi pack would be awsome but i understand that's another theme and lot of work ;-)


Any ravnica settings would be great also


Cyberpunk and SciFi Theme. It would be nice to be on a flying spaceship, a asteroid, a apocalyptic wasteland with destroyed city ruins. Also i would like to see more animated creatures as an encounter for the players. Maybe with the possibility to show a life-bar/Hit-Points. This would be awesome. 👍🏻


I also agree that some cyberpunk/modern - post/dystopian city maps would be a good option (though all the options you listed are great as well).


Please, chase in Avernus, please, you will be famous


Just get the main player working flawlessly, it's still very buggy!


Greek Ambience for the new Theros!


SciFi locations would be welcome. Both for spacefaring themes (space ships and space stations, planets, scenes in space and exploration locations) as well as gritty cyberfiction settings and locales.


More props would be great.


I agree with more props and I'd love to see circle/oval rooms added to dungeon mod pack.


Props I always enjoy but if I don’t have it, I can find it online. What I can’t find on my own are particles and that’s what makes you stand out.


couldl I ask for some Eberron locations? Like the Lightning Rail?


Could always go for a camp site, farm /fields, keep or fort and would love a haunted house. Good with any of the options above as well. So far everything has been amazing.


Jungle is the only additional type of scene is like to see. Other options look great. Fantasy > sci fi. Adventure specific would be fun too.


I would love to see a train in motion map where the background is moving past in a blur.


Also keep with the static pics of the moving ones


Love the modular stuff! Would also love to see more props and particle effects. Ravnica settings would be awesome as well!


Avernus would be the best. Infernal warmachines 🙌🏻


general purpose caves and city are always great :)


More sandboxed negative space animations for users of 3d terrain. Also, Sci-Fi with outer space, starships layouts, odd planets terrain etc....


I agree with Julio, particles particles particles! Keep up the great work!


A Science fiction them could be great (starship, planet ground, ect...)


A modular sci-fi/modern set (a steel compound/facility) with props and effects would probably hold those of us running sci-fi games over for a long time. Anything close to that would be amazing.


I already know the Avernus chase scenes won't win because people for some reason want more city stuff during these votes but I implore you to do at least one warmachine chance at some point. You will be creating the most interesting asset anyone who is running that module ever will have had and I for one would use that to plug your page and help with growth.


Can we get all of these ideas? They all seem great!


Would love to see a big drop off new particle effects!


I REALLY would like to see maps from the d&d campaigns! Castle Ravenloft in particular! I know there are copyright issues, but only if you charge for them. If you gave them away as a promo it would be MASSIVE overnight publicity for you - and I bet you would get tens of thousands more subscribers overnight.


Any word on the launch of your website?


Can we do something like a lightning rail like in eberron? Just making a suggestion.


Gothic sci-fi


Space props ! Ships or amazing planets !


giant's lairs and LARGE open caverns, with and without lakes. Love the work.


feywild and egyptian stuff would definitely be awesome

Pennie Black

Fey, fey, all the way!


Summoning chamber with extra planer portals


Yes please on aerial locations / floating islands, my players are headed upward next!


Premade multi level caverns please!


yeah caves with lakes, rivers, etc. The caves need more diversity.


Illithid Ship or Lair


Just an extra suggestion: Why don't you make the maps of the published D&D adventures that have been published so far? Like Curse of Strahd?Stormking's Thunder? etc If there are trademark issues you don't have to name them like the official maps...


I voted above, but some Eberron/steampunk themed maps would be fantastic.


Any maps themed in ways useable for Call From the Deep! It's Pirates of the Carabiean x Cthulhuian Horror. Your maps are amazing and I'm sure we will love what ever you dream up next.


More props! I would be happy to take a month off on a new scene just to have a big pack of things like tables, chairs, boats, carts, huts, barricades, etc... I love the ideas of "sky scenes" but I would rather have more basics - my characters are in towns, woods, and fields every week and I always need more variety for normal situations.


Would love to see a battlefield, where two armies have clashed and we are shown the aftermath. I've voted for a couple above also.


I'd also love to see a props developed for existing maps. I'd support another pledge just to keep them coming.


Did you ever consider making water, river, or any sort of stream/ water-bodies as an animated prop? That'd be great :)


i would like to see some more rivers perhaps as a moving map like the recent travel map


Just my 2 cents as a fellow publisher: Why risk a potential lawsuit with HASBRO (they own WotC)? Just the initial legal fees alone would put one out of business. Not at all worth the risk. I like Dynamic Dungeons and want them to stick around! ;) (Nothing personal towards you and your idea, it would be cool- just not plausible.)


Visual effects and animations are needed. Being able to spice up existing maps is tremendously helpful.


A drow house complex and mindflayer outpost.


Fey Wild and waaayyyy more props and animations, please! <3


Tamas, are you familiar with the miniature packs WizKid’s puts out called Halaster’s Tumultuous Templates 10 pack (area effects) and Arcane Fury & Divine Might 17 pk? I ask because if you had particle effects for these objects, I wouldn’t need to buy miniatures for things like Faerie Fire, Moonbeam, Mage Hand, etc. google this packs and let us know if you could make Dynamic Dungeons digital versions. Thanks!


This is just my opinion, but a map pack series based on classes would be really cool. The beautifully artful monk temples, the rigid and ordered paladin halls, the messy wizard study, ect. ect.


I would love to see a jungle river set. Like one that could be used for a river trek like in Tomb of Annihilation.


I'm about to start DMing Out of the Abyss so some underdark maps would be usefull.


I think you should make the program to use props and such free that way you'll gain more supporters and have freedom to make what we're voting for without hurting the quality of the other stuff your supporters want. A lot of us cant drop $30 for software.


Would love a good old fashioned Long Barrow if possible, with some spooky interior chambers.


I want MINIS as props! XD


I had some time to think about this and wanted to propose this: alll these different kinds of maps are great, but ultimately across all content creators, we constantly get the "European" town or village. Why not a predominantly elvish town, dwarven town, orcish town- maybe even built from ruins of their old civilization now with SOME human architecture if they are part of the community? What about towns not based on European architecture like Spanish, Russian, Asian, etc? That's ultimately what I want- more town, village pieces that can set apart every town they visit or start in.


What about animated props like a group of villagers, or a angry mob, a group of shambling zombies perhaps.


Thank you for your continuing work, it's really an inspiration :) One thing that would be great in my opinion is an additional tool within the editor program, that would allow the edit of the hue/saturation and brightness/contrast of the various props on each asset, in the form of a slider option! That would allow the personalisation and further customization of the various props and assets you have created, as well as the blending-in of other, imported ones, without ruining the total aesthetic or standing out too much.


I've started making for my own use, and I'd really love to see a robust set of animated traps and hazards.


TWO WORDS - Bridge and Troll


Tamas, Once we create a map scene from the city or dungeon editor can those maps be saved to a file just like the others. I love your maps, but have always had trouble making them work while actually running the game, so I usually just build a playlist for each campaign of your maps in VLC and use that for actual game day.


Arctic sea maps


i would like to have pirates themed hideouts, citys and probs :)


Three words, Wave Echo Cave. Or a way to build an accurate replica using multiple scenes.


Have you thought about looking into space themes, such as ships, odd terrain for planets, space stations, etc.


played a dungeon a long time ago it had a feature called the horrible hall of the silent ball. Basically it was a long circular hall way 20 high and 20 foot wide that a stone ball (Indiana Jones Style) would roll perpetually. The hall had a spell of silence placed on it, so if the adventures were being quiet and not paying attention they would get crushed. The ball didn't move so fast a character couldn't run out of the way. I've looking forever to find the adventure again to run my current players though. It was based in a pyramid theme. Dungeon starts at the top and gets bigger as you descend.

