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Leaving the safety of the city, the adventurers are wandering towards the wilderness. The forest looks calm, but they notice some weird noises which give them the creps. Silent tension rises among them, they come to a holt. What can be lurking behind the rocks? 

This is a special moving scene giving the illusion of walking in the forest when miniatures are placed on the TV. 

I decided to release this reward as a Youtube link because the file size of this 6,5 minutes long video was enormous. Still, I'm ready to share the video file if you are interested.

Besides the regular travel speed, you can try double speed setting of Youtube,  which can be used for a chase scene. This special moving scene is something that I do for the first time, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts on this. What other themed wandering or chase videos should come next? The one for Avernus is already underway... Do we need a gridded version or different speed versions?

Updated day version on YouTube:https://youtu.be/-7c0iqANX0U

Day versions to download:


Francisco Sapene

Great!! The same in hell and we will have Infernal Warmachines map!