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(The tutorial is deprecated because v.3.4. came out in December 2020. This video still helps, but we have no Manager anymore, there are different working folders and much more. I'm working on the new updated tutorial) 

I finished the Editor's long-awaited tutorial video and a free update also comes in a few days with bug fixes and a bunch of new features. 

Welcome to the new patrons in the community, thank you for your interest, your kind comments and of course the support. 

What's coming now?

The prop pack in the design of the already released urban set with roofs and interior view houses and animations is almost ready. With these, you'll be able to create your own street spaces and interiors. I'll also expand the modular dungeon set with various props and animations. 

I have a lot of map ideas that I want to create and I have written down all the suggestions you have made over the last two years, some of which I think have been accomplished, but there is still plenty to do.
Obviously, I take into account the results of the polls, but still, I ask you to comment below what kind of maps you would like to see!  Also, suggestions for the application are appreciated. I will read all the comments and add them to my list. 

You can try and buy Editor for 30USD here if you don't have it yet. With Editor, you can import my maps or your own images or video files into the storyline and make a four-way playlist, with fog of war and a custom hexa and quad grid overlay, use png props, animations, particle effects, and sounds. Although there are many customization options available in the application, be aware that Dynamic Dungeons maps are not made with this app but in various 3d software. The Editor is in constant development and the updates are free. 

Thank you for your generous support!


Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player v.3. Tutorial

The program is designed to make a four-way playlist of my pre-made videos, custom grid and apply Fog of War. Although there are many customization options available and custom maps can be used/created with the application and the props, be aware that Dynamic Dungeons maps ARE NOT MADE WITH THIS APP, but in various 3d software. https://dynamicdungeons.com/editor_player/ https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons Music "PUZZLE GAME" by Eric Matyas is not part of this product. www.soundimage.org



Where can I download additional assets? I am looking specifically for a portcullis, and double doors for my maps.



Lawren Nemeth

Thank you so much for the hard work, my life as a DM is so much easier because of everything you do! I just figured out the editor( finally) over the last few weeks ( had it since Decemeber) looking forward to watching the how to video !

Aron Stauffer

My group and I just started a Star Wars campaign. Any chance of you ever doing any sci-fi type maps?


Amazing work, cant wait to try the editor. I had my first session of Descent into Avernus last weekend, using your maps for the first time. It was a success with my group :)


Thank you! Keep up the great work!


Stunning! Buying soon as my TV table is close to done!


Ran my first DnD session last weekend with your maps and the editor. Was amazing and much easier than if I had not had this program!


Thanks! Me and my group also want to play Descent into Avernus this year, so more hellish scenes are coming soon and “chase” scenes with warmachines. Also death gray, misty scenes for Curse of Strahd. The scenes will be versatile and usable for different settings too.


Thank you! And for the map I would love to see a snow street city, burning forest, burning street city, more modular city, modular inn, modular exterior keep, modular forest.


I have a coproduction with a creator who is already working on modular starship base props and animations that will be introduced soon on dynamicdungeons.com. I’m also very inspired to create some generic scenes, so I think I’ll also challenge myself.


Love all your work! My players are amazed with your beautiful maps. When the new version of the editor is released what are the steps to uninstall the old version, not lose the editor resource files, props and fx (i have all the dynamic maps there) and the maps ready for the player

Scott McKendrick

Great video! Happy to also see your website up, I hadn't seen it before. Will you consider adding maps to a database outside of Patreon? For example, printableheroes.com has a website that allows access to certain miniatures based on your Patreon tier. From start to finish, using Dynamic Dungeons maps are glorious! ...excpet trying to find them on Patreon. That is the single bigest pain point, and it would be wonderful to be able to search through your content in a better way.


Is this software ever going to be released to patreons? Or are you going to continue to sell it here?


I've always been a PC, and just blew my friends away by DMing with your maps! Any plans on other NPC maps like the magic shop? Maybe a tavern, or barracks?


No, it remains a separate purchase, but I keep releasing animated maps as it's usual, to satisfy those who are not interested in using this application.


I open for suggestions. I want to make a supermodular tavern pack for sure, where we'll be able to build our own tavern.


Does this include support for up to 4 monitors? I had to end my membership because the player did not support toggling freely between 4 monitors and I couldn't get it to go to the correct monitor. If this feature is added in the future I will become a patron again so I am watching hoping that happens.


can't wait to buy the editor! I'm building the case for the display right now, but next month I'll buy it!


my question is that how many assets are available with the default editor if I buy it? or is there a marketplace where I can purchase more? I love these 3D top-down images...


Hi, I've already mentioned this in another thread, but I would absolutely love it if we can hide the audio props from the player window. Currently I move them towards the edge of the story so they're not too much of a hindrance, but hiding them altogether would be a huge improvement to me!


So..... im an Arkenforge user for my group.... Guess whos buying Dynamic Dungeons on the weekend haha Finished maps can be interchangeable with Arkenforge? I've no issue using both anyway depending on encounter.


I’m sorry, we discussed this request with the coder but it’s not so easy to solve it. The original concept is an app for dual display setup. After all the DD Editor and Player is a side project, I keep the focus on the animated maps, but will constantly develop the app too.


Third party Png and jpg images can be used with the app, so I suggest to take a look on their assets too. There are fantastic asset creators on Patreon, also on the roll20 marketplace. I’ll expand soon my dungeon set and the also the urban set is on the way.


Actually it’s a bug that the sound prop remains visible for players, and we already solved this issue, it won’t appear in the upcoming release.


This soft is a revolution in the RPG world ! Thx to the Fog :)


Nice intro video, I love the latest update. Been a patreon for a long time now. Just please please please, make sure with upcoming versions, that we can use the old maps we build and customized in the current version. Until now whenever you made a new version, we had to start over. And If you continue that way, I will explode! :D So please - make new versions work with older maps.


I can't seem to find these modular map designs. 5:30 mark on video is what I mean. I can't find those.

Mog Watt

Thx for your tutorial, personnaly, I dream that you produce a module to create our own streets, with stalls of market, doors of tavern, any arcades, tons, carts, rubbles, fontain, balcons, etc. and any different kind of floor, etc. to create any big places or maze of streets.. very usefull for the game of pursuit in the "aerial dungeon" . Imagine a race in Waterdeep or the Baldur's gate ( in referrering to DnD ;) )


Maybe a simple print screen or a screen recording can be the solution since the app cannot export image or video files yet.


So I paid for it but can’t download it? Any options?


Is there any way to mute/disable the ambience in the editor while i´m building? Also, thanks for the great content :)


To be honest, it would be cool if you could add set-pieces to existing maps. Like the birds we have on some on the maps, or lighting effects to make it more cool... That way, you can get most of your static maps and add cool effects to them.


HI, I am curious about the defaults that down load. Default Backgrounds 1 and 2 download just fine. Default props and backgrounds 3 and 4 don't see to do anything when I push retry. Am I missing something? Edit: Disregard, I think I was impatient. lol I seem to have downloaded all the defaults.


Hello! i just purchased the editor and was wondering where i can get the particle effects? i downloaded the ones as per the set up video but i noticed you used cob webs and wall lighting in your example of the dungeon build. where do i get those effects? and are there more then what was downloaded with the setup?


I'm very curious about this one as well. I only have the standard props, but those stones quickly becomes boring to use :) I have tried to look for other PNG props, but having trouble finding something really nice. I would really like to get those webs, torches and the oppertunity to build my own dungeon as you show in the video. When you put a door way, the wall simply disappears and adapts to the opening. I love it :) But great video, i've learned quite some tricks from it


I use TokenTool to make my own props for Dynamic Dungeons. Traps, terrain, even NPCs and Monsters can all be created and tagged as moveable props to transform your game. https://www.rptools.net/toolbox/token-tool/


As for new features for the editor, I'd *love* to be able to copy and paste props, and for a real stretch, the ability to rotate video maps in the same way we can rotate statics would be a most awesome thing.


This video is super helpful with the creation. I was never really sure how to use the particles, Traps and global items! Thanks for all the cool features =)


Where can I find png’s? And how do I get them to the editor app?


Ok, thanks for the feedback. For others who meet this problem: It’s a known issue, and we added the retry buttons because of the downloading issues and it’s still not perfect. We’re still examining why there are random slowdowns. If the defaults are not complete you can set in the Config that the default assets are “not downloaded”. Restart the app and you’ll be asked again to download the defaults.


The ones in the modular dungeon pack are not particle effects but animations and you can find them in the modular pack if you copy them to the prop folder. They still won’t have thumbnails, but it’ll be solved in the upcoming free upgrade. There are not so many animations released yet, I’m working on new packs and more will come soon.


Love your work! Being able to make and edit coastlines, add water/rivers etc to maps would be great. As for maps a large ruined city or town would be cool.


Sorry for being thick, but i cant see any log - prop sub directories to download the props to!! any suggestions?


Would there be an option to allow further scaling within the player? You can scale out from the image, but I'd like to import a larger dungeon map and be able to scroll through it for fog of war in case of party splits. This would also help with utilizing scans or images of official dungeon maps from sourcebooks. My hope was to be able to add animations to the dungeon scans and be able to scroll through as the party moved through the dungeon. As it stands, I now have to create multiple cutouts of the dungeon and scroll between scenes. It would just be more efficient to scale the player.


Hello! I've been searching and searching through the archives for the pit trap prop you used in the video! Is it avaliable to download from somewhere? I could find the desert one for the arena, but not the one that matches the dungeon aesthetic. Thank you in advance!


how do i put "transparent" props ? For example, let's say i want to put an "aura" on a bbeg, so i want that around him in a range of 9 feet, so i can highlight the squares affected by it ?


Ok i managed to make the aura, using transparency on photoshop, so i can make simple templates to move. One thing i would like you to add though is the opacity of the prop, 'cause making transparent gif is a pain in the ass. Another thing that would be useful it's the possibility to make the grid overlay the props


Good Morning. I just bought and downloaded it but my antivirus says your editor is infected with IDP.Generic I have no idea what that means and I assume your DL is safe but I wanted to ask if you know anything about this warning?


where do I download this update? I am a patron member but all i see is the paid link but ive already paid


The patreon doesn't give access to this software. It is a separate purchase.


When is this update arriving, you mentioned a few days but that is almost 2 weeks ago....

Mog Watt

Hello, when I launch the editor, I create a new story and import the black background into the story. After I build my dungeon with the elements of pack, etc. After I save & I exit. When I launch the manager, I discover a black screen.. after few tests, I've understood that the editor show me only the black background, and as if it covers all the elements, and visualize itself before all the other elements. Finally the black background is no longer considered as the background of the image for the dungeon, but as the element above, or above all the others ... yet in the manager's mini control window, I can see my map .... does anyone know this problem? personally I stopped writing to the creator, who is very efficient, but I have the feeling that he no longer has time to manage the questions.


Would it be possible for the manager/player to have the Increase/Decrease option improved? Specifically, allow to increase past the initial size from the editor for smaller screens?


Can you add circular and or oval rooms to the dungeon mod pack? I really liked the idea for a mod pack for city/streets/bldgs etc where we can customize our maps.


Greatings! I can't find it!


My editor and player do not work. I have been contacting you through multiple sources (email, website, and patreon) for the past two weeks and have yet to receive a response. Hope everything is okay.


I have an issue importing .mov files - on loop they flash white. Any Suggestions / Tips on how I can remove this?


Nevermind - looks like it goes away when played in the player :)


I've already purchased this a year ago but I can't seem to find any way to get the newer versions. What am I missing?


you need to just message him, you should have been emailed a link. Message or email him and he will provide you with a link that youc an save to desktop and it will always send you to the newest version. Do you need his email?


So i just boaght this and i cant figure out how to download it to use it can some one please help me


I!m sorry for the delay, it's coming today. A lot more features have been added in the last two weeks and it took more time to finish. Also, the OSX version had to be notarized.


Just checking in to see if there's been any change in support for up to 4 monitors. I'm dying to use this software but the monitor restriction is killing me.


Hi there. I've updated to 3.2.2 and got a tedious bug. When I try to resize/modify the background and save doesn't changes on the story board remaining the original one.


Hi, i'm finding this issue too. Any rotating or resizing of an image file doesn't stick.


Hello, I'm using the last version in an existing campaign. Will I be able to keep my existing files, or is the latest version mean recreating the campaign? I run into this as an issue... I am always running a large campaign off of several larger map grids, and rarely do we hit all the maps/encounters in a session... So I'm flip flopping back and forth between grids depending on what my party decides to do... So when an update comes out, I can't update, else I'll lose a chunk of my campaign.


I am on a mac and do not see the edit wheel for a scene. I can import the asset but that is it. I cant add props


I've found they save into the user folder, but same issue here. I solved by running through and saving all the views I want, then restarting the program (refresh files doesn't work either)


Did this count as a "map pack" in february? Because I could only count two separate packs (Modular city thing on the 28th and the chase-scene on the 29th of february, yet the receit speaks about three map packs. Or am I missing some detail?


I forgot to mention in my message above that I encountered that problem in version 3.2.2 I can not edit the assets/background, the menu lost the wheel to start editing. The delete/remove button seems to be misplaced, or maybe the pop up menu is resized in such a way that I cant see it


What file types are the .particle and .animation? Are they specifically for your editor only or can they be converted for different file types?


i only get this Message for all 3 apps: Context3D not available! Possible reasons: wrong renderMode or missing device support. It worked before but i had to reinstall windows. Are there any thinks i need to update?


Since the release of 3.2.1 and now this new release, I haven't been able to get the "Notes" section on the tokens working in the editor or the manager. After I type something in, it will just give me a bunch of random characters when I click on the token again. Has anyone else had this problem?


A small wish : can we have a keyboard shortcut in the player to toggle visible/invisible on the props ? It's a lot of click in a fight to click on each props (for example, 8 ambushed drows) to make them visible 👌


I have the same issue. Version 3.2.2, running on a Mac.


a way to just select a lot of props ( just like the shift+drag for the fog of war ) would be better imho


Since switching over to 3.2.2 my prop folder was changed to props AND I cannot seem to change or create any new folders within the editor folder. I make the change from props to prop, run the program, see that the drop down folder is blank, back out and check the editor/prop folder to find out the folder has reverted back to props. Any attempt to create another folder called prop and loading the assets result in deletion of said folder as if I've never done it. Any thoughts on what may be causing this bug?


Are the prop assets able to be utilized outside of the player? I would like to use the player for home games but also have the props to make use of in online VTT games.


If you buy the editor through paypal, are you supposed to get a link to download it?


My DD has been stuck in "Building Entity Cache System" for over 20 minutes. How long should this take? Do I kill the process and start over?


I am having the same issue. I have tried starting it over but it never goes past "building entity cache system" is there a fix for this???


it's just me or we can't import video ?


I have the same problem and I can't put more than 9 different modules in the List (to the left). If I do, the whole list just disappears and refreshing doesn't help.


I'm having a problem where I can't zoom in or out on editor when scrolling. Also, props are not setting to global when clicking the button.


What kind of graphics card you have on your computer? Mac or Win? Send me the latest dated log files of the Editor by email to dynamicdungeons@gmail.com


Unfortunately, I noticed this bug (with local/global prop switch in EDitor ) after releasing the latest update. We're working on 3.2.3 and the fix will come together with the new version. You can switch props to global in Manager.


Sorry, but this app is quite a ways from being ready for prime time. You shouldn't accept money until it's ready for users. Downloading default assets fails, and there is no retry option. I see the 'slowdown' comment under troubleshooting, but the code should tolerate failure. The working folders are saved, despite uninstalling the app, reinstalling it and attempting to start over. This is not only poor practice since the app is not really uninstalled, but prevents me from uninstalling and reinstalling to work aroudn the problem above. Generally speaking, telling users to copy files here and there to fix a bug is unnaceptable (this is the fix for the failed download). Instructions are unclear and inconsistent as to where the files need to go. Downloaded assets contain file structures of their own. The app doesn't dynamically pick up added files, so while you're fishing around trying to get the files in the right place, you also have to shut down the app and relaunch it to see if it worked. Downloaded assets are zip files within zip files, why was this done? I have to unzip each particle effect to copy it to the correct folder? Some downloaded assets that are zipped contain password protected zip files. The user can't decompress and fix the asset download issues manually. Accepting a learning curve has it's place, but I'm reluctant to spend my time fiddling with an app that doesn't work well when I can't use it for anything else, and I paid for it. When you accept money, you're on the hook for timely support.


Thanks for the feedback, and I'm sorry if the app did not satisfy your expectations. It's in constant development, and I'm determined to fix all of these annoying bugs and issues. Long time Patrons know how it began and how far we get from v 0.1 and all of the updates were free. We do have a retry option if the download fails, and it's a known issue that we're working on. Keeping the working folder is a deliberate working, but I must admit that we need to make proper uninstallation where users can decide to uninstall the assets too. The app dynamically does pick up added files. The assets are zipped because google drive treats the .animation and .particle files as password-protected archives, I already started to move the particle and animation directory to another server. 3.2.3. is on the way, I hope I'll be able to solve most of the issues in that update.


Hi! New patron and user of the DD app here. I'm experiencing 2 issues atm. (running it on the latest Mac OS) 1. When i add notes to a prop in the editor, and then open it in the manager and player the notes come out as gibberish text. 2. Running a Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign so my dungeons there are huge. Which means when I uncover a certain area in one map block I still want other areas to be in FoW until the players get there after exploring other blocks. And every other time when I come back to a map block that was even partially uncovered (10-15%) it just ends up being fully uncovered which is really frustrating as the players are able to see areas that they're not supposed to see. Otherwise great and very useful app!


as others, have pointed out, the notes gibberish bug is there as of 3.2.1


I am curious: I am currently on 3.2.1 and have created a couple of storyboards... if i update to this latest version, will all the downloads and everything I created be supported ?

Eric Layton

I'm having an issue where the Manger places a storymatrix.log file on my desktop every time it's run. I'm using a Mac running 10.15.4. Thanks.


Man! I soooo wish players could connect to the editor or have some sort of connection. I cant stand using roll20... I wish we could just use this. amazing work.


I upgraded my to the latest version from 3.2.1. Unfortunately, it is very clunky and slow.. i get some sort of bubble error message. i want this to be a great app but unfortunately this brings more frustration than anything. Also, the fact we don’t get that much replies here is frustrating.


Yeah, I can't stand Roll20. Not sure how it is always getting high praise (except that it integrates with DnD Beyond). I know it was the fist really VTT. but it seems like they never truly evolved since its inception. Try looking at Foundry VTT (going 1.0 5/22 I think). https://foundryvtt.com/ And the partner VTT to Dynamic Dungeons, Lets's Roll (still alpha but will be beta this summer when it starts it's kickstarter). https://lets-role.com/

Michael Rome

Yeah, I just got the player. the newest version is running kinda wonky. I went back to the 3.2.1 and it seems to be working better.


3.3. is available now to download. We could eliminate the fps drop and some other annoying bugs.


I cant find those torches anywhere!! Ive been digging and looking everywhere lol. Also, does anyone anywhere have a website or directory full of particle effects?


Some beds, sleeping bags, and bedrolls would be nice. ;-) Thanks.


Hello, Can I save in a single History more than 1 map in a mv4 format? Example: get 3 or 4 maps in 1 single map with this app? I tried the demo app and i couldn't be able to do this. Sry for my english and gramatical mistakes. English isn't my native language. I intend to use these maps in roll20 and try to get a few of them in one map to my players and what i've found is a several of mp4 separated maps. So if i can get all of them in 1 big map it would be somenhenthing that i'll expend my money. Thanks!


Hey DD and community. This is not critique, this is just me discovering a big problem, that needs to be fixed. I have great respect for DD, I love his maps, and I have used his map program for almost 1½ years through several versions now. I love how the program works, and what I can do with it. It is still an alpha or beta version that needs work, but the general functionality is good for my needs as DM. BUT... I had a huge issue with the program being SLOW.. When I drag a new video into a map, it sometimes take 1+ minute from I drag it in, until it appears in the grid. This makes building a map with maybe 10-15 maps a real pain in the ass. - It still works, but it is a slow tidious process. - And I thought, well my laptop is not new and powerful, so maybe I need more RAM and more CPU cores. So I bought a new and pretty beefy laptop for just this project. Ryzen7 processor with 8 cores, 2060 nvidia gpu, 16gb RAM.. I thogut, this will do the trick... But no! The building time is the same as always, and it is getting worse. This problem is bases on how many maps I have already build, I have maybe 20 maps in the program, with 100's of videos combined. And this is what is slowing the program. The more maps we build, the slower it gets. Which in the end means, that this program is useless after a longer period. I know nothing about code, if it is a coding issue, or how the program uses, copies and stores each video. But something is not working "Smart". I think every video that is used in a map, is duplicated into the folders, which also makes us use double the room of storage, which is stupid. DD needs to find a solution where we have all the maps in a main folder, that the program uses as its source. And since it takes longer and longer to transfer a video to a new map, there must also be some process that depends on the amunt already used?? - I really hope this can be fixed. Otherwise I cannot use this program since I build many maps for my own big campaign. Keep up the good work, and please fix these 2 problems. The speed, and the double storage use. Thank you.


I am playing Lost Mines of Phandelver and I imported the map for Wave Echo Cave but it is too small. When I try to zoom in using player it does not do anything. I can zoom out and make it smaller and then zoom in back to the original but I want to zoom in so that the grid/box are larger in the display screen? How can I use the Wave Echo Cave map? Any ideas?


Would really like an answer soon, before I find an alternative.


I have the same problem as Jesper. I had to find an alternative because it was taking too much and it was very slow.


I do not have any options when I right click on an image in the story, so I cannot add fog of war or anything like that. Am I doing something wrong? Also I do not have a play this story button in the upper right hand corner nor do I have a manager program, just an editor and player. Can you please help me and tell me what I am doing wrong? I paid for this, but am having a lot of issues. Thank you.


I have clicked to retrieve my activation key, and a message says it was sent, but it does not come to my mailbox.


The email may have gone to the junk folder. Read more about activation issues here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r1Y7Q7G5mXvqAoEuA4hqPFvX04HPzbkzqUR4sJanmmo/edit?usp=sharing


this is absolutely amazing