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Hey, while I'm working hard on the Roads pack, and the v.2.0. of the Editor (which is almost ready to release) I'd like to ask you
what sort of rewards would you like to see in the next months?

Vote on the themes listed below!  The top voted one will be made, and d20 will choose between the other most voted options to be a bit chaotic.

I'm sure you also have a lot more ideas, so 

feel free to comment this post to bring in more options!  (and ❤ the ideas were added by others in the comment section)

Thank you! ( The poll allows more responses per person. )



Throne room and other castle stuff would be dope too!

Kareem Zaimere

I love that you are polling!! So nice to have a creator that cares.


How many votes are we allowed per person?


Thank you for what you do. Please consider a Great Throne Room, castle interior. Also, a desert stylized cityscape & merchant bizarre.


With how often PCs in tabletop games get thrown in jail or start a campaign behind bars, I think it would be great to have a prison-style dungeon room that we could use with the modular packs. I love that you're reaching out to your community like this, by the way!


Would love to see you expand on the city maps you've created by adding shop interiors, home interiors, or even sewers.


Dragon lair with treasure 👀💯👍


I would deeply appreciate some modern maps!


As always, great work!

Chris Skuller

So, since your releasing V2, does that mean everyone who bought the map editor just a couple months back has to rebuy?


Something with BIG spaces appropriately furnished/decorated. Flip Mats and such fail so often with rooms/spaces that are barely larger than 15ft by 20ft - combat can be so much more dynamic when it's not squeezed into small spaces!


anything that could pass for the nine hells or the infernal abyss would be cool too!


Throne rooms. Dining halls. Noble estates. Maybe rooftop and no roof/interior variants.


Would it be possible to have larger areas for larger TVs?


Siege maps


I would like to see a large map of a city "Any City" and then have the option to "zoom" into a specific section. Weather it be on that specific map or load a different map of the desired section. Having a city to roam around can be countless adventures all in itself. The ones you have now are awesome, it would be nice to have a birds eye view.


Come on guys he's already made a ton of houses and shops!


I love using your maps. I would love to see more minimalist scenes that DM's can build over like the plain ocean map and desert map. For the final room of ToA I am hoping to eventually get some plain moving lava I can put some 3d printed terrain over.


Would love some ghotic sci-fi maps


I'm definitely in need of some maps for encountering giants. Cathedrals, caves, campsites, etc... all built for giantfolk. We have 4 books of Giantslaying left before us (years of gaming) and it would be so nice to have some Dynamic maps for our Giantslayer campaign!


More desert and desert ruins. Possibly desert river (the Nile) or riverside (reed swamps).


How about a dragons Lair? Dwarven underground ruins or great hall. A Theater. :)


No love for Underwater or Underdark?!? I run a very high-fantasy game and these exotic locations are so hard to find!

Armando Lee

Throwing Feywild scenes in here.


Great Maps! They get 'Ohhhs 'and 'Ahhhs' from my players. Personally, I'd like to see some generic/basic maps, just to have something on hand when my players go off on a tangent. Thinking: • basic battlement that spans the length of the screen • basic large room variants (warehouse, entrance hall, dining room, etc) • basic alleyway that spans the length of the screen (small, med, large) • Basic map of the planes (astral, ethereal, abyss, hell, elemental planes, etc..) Again - awesome maps.


Where's the deserts, the oasis, the mosque, the arabic hospital, the pharaonic tomb or pyramid, the caravansery along the silk road etc ;-)


2nd the generic map idea for random encounters my players want to get into.... again, AMAZING MAPS!! Every single month, I sit in AWE how you keep making them better and better. Its really amazing. Thank you again for your hard work... and letting us look so good to the players when we pull these out ;P


I'd also like something different - sci-fi, steampunk, some fantasy-tech ruins mix... And more of the same, of course :)


Or just something like a black monolith in an existing forest/plain/desert map :)

chris decker

What a great way to give the people what they want! I love it man (especially when the people want city streets and building interiors)! Keep up the great work, I love your stuff!!!


Double this, been running Storm Kings and now own tons of giant figs, would like more proportionate to giants maps.


If you want town and forest stuff, Manny Sykes YouTube has plenty. I’m here for the special stuff. Underdark please!


An underdark city would be awesome also a river in the underdark


I'd like to see some beastial villages and camps. Like Northman and Orc camps, blood, bone and canvas. Stuff like that is great for when a party is sieging a location rather than dungeon crawling and traveling.