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I'm finally ready with the the modular cave, and quite satisfied how it came out, hope you also like it. 

These packs contain 10 different scenes, and a variation to all of the maps in "mine" setting. 

You don't need to scroll through other posts, the complete pack, Part 1 + 2, statics and motion maps are available in this shared folder:

When I started to make this pack, the main question was if it should be a neutral looking, reusable basic "tile" set with the common directions and rooms, which may be boring, or more unique looking cave formations. As you can see I chose the second way, and I think it was a good decision, but it gave me quite hard work to finish all of the different caves I designed :)  

Some of the scenes were quite static, so I've added interesting color changes and I'm quite happy with the result. 

The cave maps are motion maps, the mine themed maps are rendered as 4k static images, but three of them are also available as a video file in UHD and HD. Few examples:

Many of you asked me to make an alternative, easier way for the the downloads. I'll launch the dynamicdungeons website soon, where you'll be able to log in with your patreon account and get access to all of the rewards of your tier level. There you'll find thematic directories and you'll be able to download whole packs in one shared file. 

I'll expand this pack by adding new cave formations soon as free giveaways.
Thank you for your continuous support!



Josh Tomaschko

The website sounds amazing!


these maps are awesome!!!


That website will be super helpful! Poking around the archive post works, but having it all organized nicely would be even better!


These maps are fantastic! Thanks so much for the hard work. Will we eventually see all 10 modular cave and mine sections as video files?


Thanks Tyler! All 10 cave maps are mp4, but only three selected scenes of the mine theme were rendered as video files, because there are so many different versions (gridless, gridded, UHd, Hd, mine etc) it took weeks to complete the pack as it is. These scenes are quite static naturally, but we’ll be able to use animated props over the maps when the 2.0. of the DD editor comes out. So I think I’ll expand the library with statics and release animated props as well, like glowing crystals etc.

Loyd Blankenship

Your efforts at making this a smoother process for your backers are incredibly gratifying. The process of getting all the back content when I joined was painful, and I'm not really sure I got it all. Looking forward to grabbing it easily and organized!


This is great!


Awesome work dude, really looking forward to your editor 2.0 :D


Thanks for making these a lot easier to download! Quick question tho, you say: >The cave maps are motion maps, the mine themed maps are rendered as 4k static images, but three of them are also available as a video file in UHD and HD. Yet I can only find 2. Mine B and Mine J. Anyone else having this issue? Another thing, is I really liked how the Dungeon Tiles were named according to their route access points. Made building dungeons a lot easier.


You're doing the lords work. Thank you so much, this is amazing


thanks for making these so easy to download!


Wow, these are incredible!

Bryan Schulz

Im only seeing 2 in the mine setting under HD and UHD not 3. Am I missing something?

Kareem Zaimere

YAAAASSSS!!! Running an underdark campaign and these are godly!! Thank you so much! Best Patreon!!

Water is Life

Do these load into the editor or do they stand alone as motion maps?


You can of course play back them with any media player, two of these can be a standalone cave.


Yes it’s missing, it’s my fault. However, I’ve decided to make all of the mine scenes in motion map as well. I’ll add it later to this pack (as a free addition) will let you know when the post is updated.

Water is Life

Ok cool I just wasnt sure if I was supposed to put them into the Editor. I am still figuring things out slowly but surely. =)

chris decker

Another awesome pack!! My players and I love playing on these animated maps. I've built so many quests mixing and matching maps in the editor we'll be able to play for years!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you'd like a suggestion for a future pack... how about some more building interiors like the taverns you did? A "store" where players can buy provisions, maybe an apothecary, a courtroom, a temple, a library with books floating from shelf to shelf... just a thought. Thanks again, I can't wait to see what you come up with next!!


wow this is great! keep it coming. Still hoping for some sci-fi gothic themes!


I have just made my first dungeons in the 1.1 editor. When I use the ethers of the two large cave dungeons the editor crashes.


Did you use the HD or the UHD versions of the files? (1.1. is not fully compatible with the 4k content yet) Can you exactly write me the file names caused crash? And please send me the log file (to dynamicdungeons@gmail.com) located in your userfolder/DynamicDungeons/log


I use the UHD so i guess thats why. I will download the HD and try them. THX for a fast answer.


Hey Guys, I love this set so versatile but are there any updated ones with right angle prices put out afterworlds by chance so the Cave pieces can loop back on its self, or make a left/right turn after a straight?


Did you ever finish the motion versions of the mine pack there is still only 2 in the folder?


Am I missing something, or are there not tiles that make proper turns for every direction?


Looking for gridless mine and statics. thanx.


Also, do you other mines and cave for complete turns. thanx.


Hi. Are there MP4 versions available for this pack?


when I download and place them in the correct folder, I cannot open them from the menu, the only way is drag and drop from an outside folder. do i have to create a thumbnail for them?


Hi, I see that there are a lot of "Mine" Variations missing. I only see B and J Mine tiles. Is it ok? Or i'm missing something? Thank you very much!


I have the same question as Julio. When I download them and place them in the correct "resources" folder and open the editor, there are no thumbnails and I cannot drag and drop from the editor. Do I have to make thumbnails for them myself? Or am I doing the whole process wrong?


It should create the thumbnails if you delete the thumbnail folder and restart the app. 3.1.2 is coming tomorrow, we solved it and hopefully there won’t be issues with thumbnail generation anymore.


I have the same question as Ibon, seems like the UHD tiles for mines and caves are missing files? Only have sections B & J.

Greg Bowering

New patron. Wow! I am so excited about getting these maps to the table. Keep up the great work! Some of the UHD modular cave maps seem to be missing: cave_a, cave_c, cave_d, cave_e, cave_g, cave_h, and cave_i. The HD versions are available, but I can't seem to find the UHD version.

Greg Bowering

Sorry. I reread the post - I guess they are only 4K static images. Nevermind - they are amazing regardless!


Hello there ! For your information, I'm a new user. These static and animated tiles are very beautiful ! But, as stated on the pack title, this should be modular. How in the hell do you build a complete cave system without turns, some crossings, Y-paths and junctions ? Maybe I'm missing something, as I stated before, I'm new to the Dynamic Dungeon tool, can someone please tell me ?


I think you're supposed to be able to in the Dynamic Dungeons editor + player but I'm not sure how. I'm actually interested in being able to splice these .m4v files together in a sort of editor, and then export them as their own .m4v to be used in Foundry VTT, not sure if that's possible, either.


Hi, I have the same issue as Ibon and Mathew - the HD versions only include mines b & j. Are there plans to put in HD versions of the others?

Chaz Kay

Are there any [plans to convert the entire cave (packs 1 & 2) to WebM versions?