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UPDATE 2020: find the newest version here 

The 1.1 version is live now as a free upgrade providing

  • grid offset, 
  • grid masking
  • FOW settings will be saved for each scene
  • bug fixes

    If you've purchased the 1.x version, download your free copy of 1.1. from the same url.

UPDATE: 31.08.18: A "memory leak" issue was fixed. Redownload your updated version (1.0.2) from the same link you received earlier. If you have purchased the software and don't have the link, please contact me.

New features in 1.0.2. :

  • GM window to control FOW from your primary display and navigate between scenes 
  • FOW rectangle selection reveal and rehide
  • Grid settings options move to the "asset window", you see the actual map  when customising the grid 
  • You can also adjust the grid directly from the player

About the Editor

With the Editor you can import images (maximum 4096x4096px) or 1080p HD video files (even your own content) into the storyline and make a four directional playlist using my predesigned maps, with fog of war and a custom hexa and quad grid overlay. Try the free 0.0.1. version: (there is no FOW and custom grid function in the free version) https://www.patreon.com/posts/dynamic-dungeons-17681523

or buy the 1.1.: DYNAMIC DUNGEONS v.1.1. Editor and Player  

The moduar elements shown here was released on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons/posts?tag=modular

A completely new line of modular dungeon and cave is coming soon, here on Patreon. 


Select „hex” or „quad” or „dungeon” style, set the color, scale and opacity. In the v.1.0.2. you can set the grid on the actual scene, and also adjust the settings in the player. 


By hitting 'B' you can set the size of the brush for revealing areas from fog of war (only if FOW was added to the scene in the editor) Alt + holdmouse: cover it back! See it in action
NEW FEATURE: rectange reveal and cover with SHIFT+holdmouse / Alt+Shift+holdmouse

Multiscreen capability

Send the player to the secondary display by pressing "2". You can use your primary display while the video is looping on the TV. 

Use this form to report bugs or submit a feature request: BUG REPORT  




Get it! Great work!!! Thank you!


I've tried to go to the link but it comes up saying I don't have access to the site. I would like to purchase but how?


If you can get and don’t you’re missing out! Used it in game last night and it was amazing!


I ordered but didn't receive a download link email.


I did not see the email in the instructions part on the product page. Mind sending it to the paypal email?


Hi! I have the same Issue!


I also didn't receive a link by email,also will I be able to re-download this at anytime?


Thank you sir. :)


Bugger.. did I miss this?


Nope.. got it :) Now to buy a laptop!


Could you email the link to my PayPal email addy please? :)


any chance of adding a GM view for see-through FOW, map notes (for each tile), and panning of huge maps without changing tiles?


when trying to upload your video files onto editor none of mine are showing up just the jpeg files


I was just thinking this too. To allow the DM to see what he/she needs to fog out/in.


Here’s a question for you: Whilst in the editor, once you click on Preview Scene (and you are taken to the video) how do you return to the editor, without exiting the entire program?


When browsing for maps, there’s a filter drop down menu there to browse images or video files. (Only on Windows) select “video”


There should be a Close button under the preview window. <a href="https://i.imgur.com/motivcP.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/motivcP.png</a>


Yes, lord! Finally able to do that!


Thanks for the great work! I love these maps and my players do too! I am way excited for this update to make this program so much more useful. Is there an tentative release date on this software?


Thanks Drew, I plan to release it in two weeks. It’s avout a DM window and some other improvements in the grid settings. (Fe. Customize it directly in the player)


Hi I'm playing with this now but having trouble understanding. It there a tutorial? Also, is Fog of War already active? I clicked "Enable Fog of War" but don't see it (and what is "Hold Mouse" - my laptop has a trackpad!)


Hi, if fog of war was applied to a scene in the editor then the whole screen should be black when played back. Reveal the fog with tap and hold. B will change the brush size, Alt+ tap and hold will cover it back. I’ll make a tutorial and upload soon.


I just purchased the 1.0.1 version using PayPal but I cant figure out how to access it. I wasn't redirected after the purchase. Do you have any idea how I can access it so I can start using it?


I cant get the editor to find the map packs. when I got to the folder outside of editor the maps are there and unzipped but when I go to the same folder in editor it doesn't see any maps?


Did you unpack it to [userfolder]/DynamicDungeons/editor/resources? If so, restart the app. Let me know if it worked.


GM Window will be a great update!


im not sure what u mean unpack it to that area? can u go into more detail?


When importing files into the editor, nothing shows up in the grid, however they are added to the generated "user" folder. I shut down and restart the editor and the editor won't load now. I delete that user folder and the editor loads up fine. Am I doing something incorrectly? I am simply trying to add some of your created video files.


I’m enjoying the software very much, but when I make my own maps I tend to make them rather large... I wish I was able to zoom in closer than what the program will allow, as it seems to limit me to the dimensions of the tv I use (which is a 32”).


Looking forward to this update, awesome work! I have a wish, though (of course): could you make it possible to have a finer grid? For some purposes, I'd love to put, say, four times as many squares on the map. Underdark or the Sea can become much larger playing fields this way. :-)


Hi, I purchased previously the V 1.0.1. How can I download V1.0.2_


Hi, apologies for being thick. Is there a tutorial? I've input about 10 maps into the editor, but can't see how to link them or how to advance past the starting point in the player.

Joshua Crouch

I can't get 1.01 to run. It says I don't have a version of Adobe Air that's compatible with it, but I downloaded the most recent version.


Do you have this installed? <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5555" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5555</a>


I am unable to import still. I believe the issue is that it won't create a thumbnail. When I use the import feature from clicking the grid nothing appears in the square. I have tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling and it does not seem to work.


Cool maps!


I did pay for it, but currently it is still to far from being usable.


Great to hear!


Hello, any news on the 1.0.2 version's ETA? I'd really like to use the gm screen!


I paid for v.1.0.1. Do I have to pay again for v.1.0.2? If not how do I get it?


I’ve sent the download link by email. If you haven’t received it send me an email plz to dynamicdungeons@gmail.com


It works great! Haven't played with all the features yet but the previous updates were not functional with my setup. All good now. Thanks.


Well, I have run into a minor problem. I tried to use the bug report form from the help.pdf but I was unable to link to any form by clicking it. The Player Manager is having issues for me, it freezes with a small portion of the player's loaded story but is un-interactable and frozen. I installed the visual C++ and updated my grahpics driver as suggested.


Finally have time to have a play with this :) However, I have not received the link to DL the new version, could this please be sent? Game tonight :) (Also whilst here - If I import an image (jpg) in to the editor, can this be resized?)


<a href="http://resizeimage.net/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://resizeimage.net/</a>


I had to make sure the image was resized to 1241x931 to make sure it fit properly and don't forget to rotate it. Hope this helps T3nac1ous

Robert Dancz

Im getting an error. I cant open the editor. I tried the link. Says ive already got a newer version of The visual C ++


Send me please a screenshot and the log file located in your userfolder/DynamicDungeons/log to dynamicdungeons@gmail.com


Hi DD, I purchased the V.1.0.1 but didn’t receive the update for the new version. Can I have the email or link sent to me please? I’d love to use this update for my game on Wednesday. Thanks


Of course, sorry for the inconvenience. I’ve sent out to everyone, but in some cases patrons didn’t receive it. Give me your email address please or send me an email to dynamicdungeons@gmail.com and will send you in an answer.

James Engel

Was the memory leak on OSX or Windows version?


Memory leak? What does that mean?


I’m not a coder, but after several scene changes and various grid settings a so called memory leak caused crash, some amount of used memory was not cleared.


Both I’m afraid, but it caused crash while testing on my Windows PC. It might not came out during normal use, but changing the grid and the screen size and fog of war at the same time ate the memory.


Still excited for the tokens etc. Any ETA on when that feature might be available? I was also wondering if there might be an option to duplicate the screen and have hidden objects on the DM's screen; food for thought.


There is no release date yet. Hidden objects sounds interesting, it would be very useful. I'll make a google form and share it next week to collect all of your great suggestions.


It is giving me an error when i try to open the editor. It says cannot run because it doesnt have the file MSVCP140.dll


The thumbnail generating function uses the so called FFMPEG library. FFMPEG only works if the "VISUAL C++ Redistributable pack" is installed under Windows systems. On some system this pack should be installed manually. <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145</a> After installing the x86 version, restart your system and the app.


Good Evening. I seem to be having problems with the player manager. It was working previous to today, however now the icon is blank. I believe this may be due to something being wrong with the adobe air? I have re downloaded Adobe Air but I am still getting the same error, any ideas?


The error is: This application requires a versions of Adobe AIR which cannot be found. Please download the latest version of the runtime from &lt;website&gt; or contact the application author for an updated version.&lt;/website&gt;


Can this be used on Android / tablets / smartphones?


can we get the ability to rotate maps? It would be nice if they could be rotated 180 degrees in order to reuse the maps more easily.


Yes it could be one of the upcoming new features in the app. For now I render all rotation separately, and all of these corridors are changed a bit, not just simply rotated.


The thumbnail generating function uses the so calledFFMPEG library. FFMPEG only works if the "VISUAL C++Redistributable pack" is installed under Windows systems. On some systems this pack should be installed manually. <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145</a> After installing the x86version, restart your system and the app.


Hi, sorry that this is really late, but I cant find the link to the 1.0.2version in my email. can you please send me the link for the update file? oprhyme@icloud.com


Question, this works on my main computer fine but when I try to run it on my laptop (both are WIN10) it doesn't work. The buttons for the editor is missing and the player throws the error "Context3D not available! Possible reasons: wrong renderMode or missing device support" Any thoughts? I have up to date Flash, Air, C++ etc.


Adam, please fill out the bug report form and let me know the hardware specification of your laptop. Thank you. docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5X2OZil5JNrqjyICm2tsAWj4pbdfGBn1BSSLuZSJ9hKPHYw/viewform?usp=sf_link


I'm having this same problem Adam. Same error message. Did you ever figure it out?


I want to buy this for my games, but I'm worried about it working on my Microsoft Surface 3 Pro, what laptop are you using for this?


I'm using an older Alienware with Windows 10 on it. I haven't tested the new release but I will soon and update this comment thread.


Hi, would it be possible to have the editor and player set out the scenes/tiles etc in portrait mode rather than landscape as that would match my tv's orientation on the table. At present the tv has to be flipped into portait mode which makes using a mouse to navigate on it difficult to say the least. Cheers, and loving your work so far, Simon


Hi I just purchased this app, and I get the same message. I have installed and reinstalled the x86 Visual C++ version found at the link above and have Adobe Air installed. I am running on a laptop with Windows 10 -which I see in a similar comments about. You asked them to submit a bug report so I was going to do the same, but I don't see where to find it. Any help is appreciated!


Do you get the editor when you become a patron, or only from purchasing it stand-alone?


It’s a separate purchase for 30USD. The upgrades are free of charge. 2.0 is coming in few days.


i already purchased this, were do i go to download it


I've extracted a map pack to the proper file path but when i open it up in the editor the files aren't showing up.


I am intrested in buying this. Can you tell me how many maps are included?