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I've been working quite hard the last two weeks on these scenes, and finally I'm happy to release the first part of the city maps, the docks and the marketplace. Hope you like the outcome, and you'll have memorable city encounters using these ones.

The second part is almost ready as well, which will be a poorer part of the city. Here is a quick look on the city streets:

The long awaited Tavern is also coming soon with interiors from the roof to the cellar. 

 The Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player App

As you may know, I'm not a coder, so I had to hire a developer to bring the Dynamic Dungeons software to life. Even the free 0.0.1. version had costs to me which was increased by implementing the most important new features, so I've decided to release the Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player as a cheap paid application in a week. The most important new features are:  
- fog of war,  
- custom quad and hexa grid with adjustable size, color and opacity  
- real drag'n drop  
- multiscreen capability.  

Thank you for your continous support, stay tuned for the upcoming rewards, have a good time roleplaying!


City Part 1: Docks and Marketplace

Live now on: https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons Join now and get this reward and all of the previously released themes.



I think you're the best thing on the internet. Thank you.




Your work is amazing and I certainly don't mind paying more for the Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player App. Question - how will the multiscreen capabilities work? If it does what I think it does, and I can load other jpgs into it (not just Dynamic Dungeons), then you may have just solved a very big problem of mine and my gratitude will be unbounded.


Awesome looking forward to the Player/Editor


Wow!! You released this just seconds before I was about to start a session with a battle at the docks. I spent the morning editing my own map and just through it away as soon as I saw this. Thanks for the great work!! Keep it up!


Yes it works with the most common formats like jpg, png, etc. The largest supported resolution is 4096px X 4096px for images. Multiscreen means you can send the player window to your secondary display by hitting “2” or call back to your primary display with the key “1”.


This is great, thanks! I love your work! I just noticed something odd just now though in the gridless version of the docks (may also be in other versions, haven't looked). When the cat walks between the two buildings on the left side of the map, a portion of grid appears in that area, then disappears shortly after the cat is gone.


It was just reuploaded now. Thanks for the feedback!


Ah these are so nice! I cannot wait for more of your work too be revealed.

Joshua Crouch

Amazing work as always! Think we could get floating airship docks to compliment the amazing airship design?


Thank you so much for your work! I know you've already made some corrections and reuploaded these, but the Docks_gridless has one frame of black at the beginning of the file that throws me when i'm looping it. I just thought I'd let you know, keep up the great work!


This is amazing. I cannot wait for my players to see these maps and be blown away! You ROCK!


Any thoughts about doing a City under Siege map? building on fire or collapsed sounds of swordfighting possibly some fires ragign?


Did this ever get fixed? I redownloaded the Docks_gridless.m4v and still has a black first frame that throws the loop. Edit, my fix to use ffmpeg: ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00.200 -i Docks_gridless.m4v -vcodec copy -acodec copy Docks_gridless1.m4v


Is there a webm version of the docks map? I've been trying to track it down and am not having much luck!


Any chance at releasing a WebM version?