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I'm happy to announce the last reward of this month, which is a nice, no ordinary rocky encounter scene with lot of covers.  The pack also contains an Underdark version you can download from here. Find the animated night versions attached to this post.  

The town/city is coming in June, also there will be additions (interiors) and variations to the fortress as a free giveaway for Chaotic Good patrons, and some exciting dungeon rooms and modular elements based on your suggestions, and the first look on the development's progress of the v1. version of Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player, showing you the fog of war and the custom grid and some other cool features.   

Various additions to the Galleon/sea theme will also come in June for Chaotic Good Patrons. Stay tuned!

Thank you for the support, feel free to comment or suggest action scenes.

Get the complete pack (including WEBM files) from here:





Wow, they sure rock ! Very excited for the town/city. Will follow your progress as a new GM who Loves dynamic maps & sounds.


Beautiful work, great job, man! Definitely looking forward to a town/tavern, one request here would be a snowy mountain landscape, think White Dragon or Yetis encounter, maybe an ice cave to go with it...


these are awesome I am using them in my games every week. Is there a way to get them all with no sound. I run battlebards and syrinscape from same computer and I want to be able to use the sound from those programs while using your maps? I know some of them have a soundless version is there a way I can remove sound?


If your computer doesn’t allow to run two applications using the sound card running at the same time you could reencode the videofiles with fe. Adobe media encoder and export muted versions. In the Dynamic Dungeons Player “M” key mute the maps. The v1 version will have the feature to put the app to the secondary display and run others on the main display.