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It has been extremely exciting to see how much my Patreon grew in the previous days and I would like to say thank you newcomers for joining and to my old patrons for the continuous support! 

NEW! Galleon Reloaded (CG Complete UHD, Stormy scene + gun and orlop decks) 

I'll do my best to bring you useful and high quality stuff, I keep improving my skills and buying high quality assets.

Chaotic Goods, besides the night versions you also get a full top down view of this beauty, where the sails and the masts are not transparent.

I've got a couple of comments about the flag flapping in the wrong direction, lol, yes I made a mistake, it is already corrected in the static versions, but the animated maps are still come wrong, because I don't want to make you wait more. It will be corrected and reuploaded soon. :)

For newcomers let me explain why a reward is usually released in more posts:
Currently I have 4 donation levels. First (True Neutral level) is already open for the lowest tier level pledger and contains only the static versions.
The second post of this reward comes to the "Lawful neutral" pledgers, they will be able to download the contents of the first and the second level tiers. They'll receive only the gridded animated version without ambience sound and no extra content.
The gridless and gridded versions with sound will be available from the third level which is also accessable for you. Night versions are exclusively visible for the Chaotic Good Patrons in this last post of this reward. Even if this reward is released in four posts, patrons are only charged once. True Neutral patrons will be charged 1USD, Chaotic Good patrons will be charged 5USD total, and get all of the map variations of this pack. You won't be charged for the content was released before you joined.

You can easily reach the Archive from the main page. That post will be updated every time I release a new map pack.

More will come, share your ideas and wishes below, feel free to correct my weak English :), every feedback and suggestions are truly appreciated! 




Can you share these on a private YouTube channel or something? I would love to plan these off of my iPad/iPhone and plug them into my tv.


Are you planning on releasing a night version of the plain sea?

Joshua Crouch


Joshua Crouch

they didn't contact you first? Well that just sounds like garbage journalism. I hope it brings an influx of new Patrons though!


Do you have all the stuff you created so far in one place? It's a bit challenging to scroll through the entire blog roll to get all the maps.


No, but there is an Archive post which is always updated once I release a reward and can be reached from the frontpage under the overview section: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/archive-18335546">https://www.patreon.com/posts/archive-18335546</a>


its great to see your patreon has grown at least 10 fold since you started. ive been here since the beginning. good on you keep it up mate!


It’s unbelievable, and a bit frightening at the same time, if my work will meet the expectations. Thank you Nathan for being here since the beginning! All I can say, that I'll do my best.


Your works are awesome &amp; as a Patreon newcomer (your project is my first) I too find it a bit challenging to retrieve manually all the files (saw the Archive too). Anyway, in love with your work &amp; keep going. Because we will !


Dude, these are awesome! Hopefully you have some snow themed stuff coming up!


Great map! I just miss a light source there.. somewhere. or thunders! keep the awesome work!


great work these maps are gorgeous. and So that you know, you should check out D20pro as a VTT software they just released a beta version that allows the animated versions of maps like yours to be used within the software, making for a truly amazing experience. again Great work!