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This post is only for you, generous Chaotic Good Patrons! 5 rooms with flaming torches on the walls are added to the complete Pack 1. 

It took so many hours to complete this pack guys, so I did not add those extra tiles outside the doorways yet, but I'm ready to update some of the rooms soon. Firstly I wanted to show you what I made, and get some feedback and some sleep :)

After installing the Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player, copy this file and unzip it to Users/..../DynamicDungeons/editor/resources folder. The folder name will be "Modular_Dungeon" containing the video files and a thumbnails subfolder. 

This file contains all of the maps of Pack1 (16 files) , so you don't need to download the attachments of the other posts, here you can find the dark and the lit versions as well. Combining the light rooms with the dark ones results more interesting dungeons. More, exclusive content for you and for the highest pledgers are coming soon. 

Get the first map pack here: (please don't share this url) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d2zE7NFStcYDmyUsAlfLvsIwWuss_30u?usp=sharing
Get the App v.0.0.1. here:

Preview on some maps of the second part which is coming in few days: (raw versions)

After releasing I found some of the scenes too dark. Let me know which ones should be updated. As always, any other feedback is truly appreciated.




Thanks. This looks great. I am able to get everything to work--except the arrow keys on my Mac don't seem to do anything and I am stuck in the first room only in the player and can't move to any additional rooms. Any idea why my arrow keys aren't doing anything?


Just realized I have to activate the correct cardinal directions in the editor to make this work.


This is truly awesome! Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't seem to play nice multi-monitors. If I click out of the monitor where player is running, there is a quick green screen and all the dynamics (motion and sound) stop until I click back in.


Thanks for the feedback, I haven’t meet this problem, but this issue must be fixed in the v.1. version.

Water is Life

Just got started and I am certainly looking forward to all content for this. Ideas/Input off the top of my head at first blush in addition to what I have noticed in comments. 1.) Point of entry Room/transition room features: Rope Dangling Down, Spiral Stairs leading UP, Open door leading to "outside",Light Shining through door option, Trap Door Entry. Since I just got started I may be missing something so forgive me if these are already in the works etc. Just throwing out some ideas and I know you have been thinking of this for a long time so odds are you already have such things in mind.


Thank you for the ideas! Your suggestions are really appreciated, feel free to share your thinking.


freakin out standing........dude


firs are a little dark. am I seeing wrong or on the third one does the alcove hide a floor tile? not a major thing not sure if it can be altered?


Yes, some of the maps are too dark, so I'm going to brighten up them. If you could write me which files you feel dark with file names, that would help. Yes it's a perspectival cheat. There should be two tiles there, but because of this camera angle some tiles will be hidden. Only alcoves in the centre could be visible normally, but in a game situation I think alcoves are much more important near to the entrance. Semi transparent tiles could solve this issue.


I know this is somewhat personal taste, but I think the walls in your dungeon are a bit too high. This did not strike me for the rooms, but it is irritating in the narrow corridors, where the walls are much more prominent than the floor.


By the way - it could be fun to have small animals cross the scene not onyl on the ground, but as a shadow close to the viewers perspective.


I will definitely make another theme with different walls and feel soon. Pack2 will follow this line but in another release other styles will be introduced.


Rendering is almost done, pack2 is coming toworrow!


Just became a patron tonight and I gotta say I'm loving these maps! The editor/player are a bit intriguing. I got everything to work, but I'm curious...Is the intent to just have one room available on the screen? It seems like the modular concept would make a lot more sense if all rooms stayed 'in play' on the screen so that PCs and NPCs could move to/from them during combat. I'm also playing around with Dooley's Dynamic Maps Game Engine, which is a great tool that imports maps (static and animated) and allows you to grid them, mark them, add fog of war, etc. Seems to me that your modular concept in conjunction with the DMGE tool could prove quite the combination! Feel free to let me know if I misspoke to anything or seem offbase in my thinking. Keep up the great work, man!


Thank you for joining, Jim! This concept was like one screen is one scene, since the v.0.0.1 of the App is only for making a video sequence and play it back without browsing for the next file and it also solves the seamless looping. When I started the development, there was no any other single App what would support it, now I'm happy that there are more tabletop platforms supporting video maps. The next version of my App will have the fog of war and the custom grid features. It's already working in the V1, which is not released yet. It's coming with a huge modular cavern pack and a wilderness pack to KS soon.


I have the same issue on a Windows machine. When I reload the file in the Editor, I notice that the start room has the direction for exit removed, so I am not sure if it is actually saving it. Any help team?