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Hey everyone, this is a quick demo showing some of the features of the application v.0.0.1 which will be available in March to all Patrons for free. 

In the editor you'll be able to build a sequence of maps using the included or your own elements (mp4, m4v, mov, jpg, png etc) drag'n drop, set a start point and directions, play it back and navigate between the maps with the arrow keys. 

It will be a modular dungeon building system with the seamless looping elements (rooms, corridors, chambers etc) I'll release to you from the next month in various themes. 

Hope you like it, prepare for the village, which is coming before the weekend.

(The music "Ratonhnhaké ton (Ratonhnhaké:ton)" by Lorne Balfe is not part of the product)

UPDATE 17.07.2019.

Buy the 3.0. version of the Dynamic Dungeons Editor and Player. Read more about it here.



Dynamic Dungeons Editor & Player v.0.0.1. Demo

A quick demo on Dynamic Dungeons 0.0.1. App coming in March to my all Patrons for free.https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons The v1 version with fog of war and custom grid features is coming soon. The music "Ratonhnhaké ton" by Lorne Balfe is not part of the product.



Awesome!!!!! My dreams come true!


I can not wait to have this!

Carl Bartoli

Whoa......Mind blown.




very nice!! cant wait to use this!


This looks awesome! Great work, excited for the release!

Carl Bartoli

You should have a feature that allows the user to click a a certain door and it takes that user to whichever room that door leads to. Pre-made maps that are interactable like that would be a game changer!!!


This is going to be incredible.

Clarisse Shepard

Super exciting stuff! Can't wait to bust this out!!


Looks great! That would be super useful.


Will there be a fog of war feature in the software (or in future releases)? This all looks so great! Thank you for all the work you've put into all this!


Super excited for this!


I backed Dooley Kickstarter He needs more support spread the word


Not in the v.0.0.1 version. The first update (v.0.0.5 or v1.0.) will contain the option to set the "tiles" covered in fog and reveal it by mouse, and even more features.


this will be a big deal. remember to add in the floor out side the doors on the Maps. 5 Stars

Joshua Crouch



I am so ready for this application, I feel its promise has much more use then you are putting out there, this would be amazing. let us know if you need testers!


You all gonna be testers :) it’s coming soon. The only thing why it wasn’t released yet is that I would like to post it together with the first modular pack containing different corridors and chambers.

Water is Life

I am super excited about this.... lol I just went out and bought a TV for it today.

Water is Life

I agree with Jonathan... this is epic. I feel lucky to be a part of it.


Do we has a time frame? im too stoked for this.


It seems that it cannot be completed today. The rendering process takes much longer than I expected, this causes the delay.


Out now! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/dynamic-dungeons-17681523">https://www.patreon.com/posts/dynamic-dungeons-17681523</a>


This is a fantastic concept. However, I find that I can't import more than one file at a time into the editor for drag n drop purposes. It would be nice to be able to load all our downloaded files at once into the editor for choosing, and then have it only save the ones we use into the final play save. Am I missing something?


Also, being able to freely resize the editor window would be nice. Once minimized to one screen, you can't move the window at all.


has this come out yet? Where can I download it?


Yes the 0.1 version is out get it here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/dynamic-dungeons-17681523">https://www.patreon.com/posts/dynamic-dungeons-17681523</a>




Hello, i downloaded the demo but could not load any tiles to try and create something, what am i missing?


Hi, follow this link and the packs which are open corresponding to your current Patron Reward Tier: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons/posts?tag=modular">https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons/posts?tag=modular</a>


Thanks. Are there detailed tutorials on how to create maps? I tried doing an image map from tiles, when i load it in the player viewer it jumps from image to image (tile to tile) and does not show one big map.


Just curious, will you be adding any sort of token system a la Roll20?


Yes, the next phase of the development is about the layers and props. It still remains an offline DM tool, but doors, firecamps, corpses, bone piles, treasure chests, decals, etc and will be able to applied over the maps. These props will be anim gifs or stills, with transparent background.


That's AWESOME! I will for sure be buying when that becomes available. Have you considered releasing it on Steam?


Would this also include the ability to do player tokens? I'm thinking of something like Roll20. Dynamic FoW and LoS would also be cool features if player tokens are to be implemented.


In the 2.0 you’ll be able to drop tokens and even top down animated minis over the maps. I’ll show you guys soon how will it works, because I’ already testing the beta version of it.


looking forward to that! hopefully sound will be incorporated eventually as well! I was looking for something that said how many 1" squares would show up on a 40" tv, but couldn't find anything. Do you know how many squares that is?


How do you increase the size of the left-click FOW revealer?


Use “B” to set the brush size or shift + click for rectangle reveal.


Hello! Is there a way to trial or demo the new version of the editor?


Can you make softer edges when doing rectangle reveal? Something similar to the soft edges the circular reveal has?


Hello, In the Windows version. Would it be possible to have the window adjustable? I will send you a screenshot of the issue I am having. I can't access the menu options because it is displayed at the bottom of the screen.