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Of course, the Dungeon won! :-) Thank you so much for participating in the first poll. Your votes and comments are really motivating and it keeps me  inspired.

I haven't been resting in the previous week, so the dungeon and the other top 5 most voted themes are done, couple finishing touches left to do. Hope you like the preview of the airship and the village. (I don't want to make any spoiler on the Dungeon, that's why it doesn't appear in this video)

In the beginning of February the Dungeon will be the first release. 

Since I have so much ideas and maps ready, I'll release 3-4 rewards (not more) plus free give away again. 

I plan to release a free pack of more neutral action scenes and open fields soon, what could be really useful for any encounter.  None of the released maps will be deleted, so my Patreon page will be an ever-growing collection of the animated maps. 

Thank you and have a good time roleplaying! 


Airship and Village preview

Find more animated maps here: https://www.patreon.com/dynamicdungeons The airship and the village map is coming in February to Patreon. Join to my exclusive Patreon community and get immediate access to all of the rewards of January. Facebook.com/dynamicdungeons



don't see the down load?


cool thanks


I want this ship Bad .... Any news on a release Date?


Amazing work mate. Since signing up, these are all I have been using! The guys at the table are loving them 👍

Raphael Lamour

I love your work, great maps! Can't wait to see more maps with great effects... like lightnings, fire, waterfalls, rivers. haha ✌


Airship looks sweeeet. I am going to be using one of your maps for first time this Friday, I will let you know what they think


Love it! Don't burn yourself out, I want these maps for years to come. You've got a life patron in me if keep all this up.


I am here for ever as well. these maps are second to none! I love the airship and will be using it in SKT.

Joshua Crouch

Oh man the airship looks amazing!! Is it possible to have a version without the balloon suspension? in my setting they just fly via internal magical propulsion (like spelljammers?). Perhaps a more top-down option? this one looks slightly isometric from the preview video which may be hard for tabletop minis. But still...omg...im in love. so cool!


Thank you, Joshua! I’m sure there’ll be more versions till it will be released. This camera view shows a bit more of the ship that’s why I decided to use it. I tested with minis as well, and it works! The grid is static, only the ship moves.


This is amazing! I love the design and everything about it, amazing job! I guess my upcoming players get an airship then...


The airship is sweet but I'm actually more excited for the village! Looking forward to more town maps in the future.


David, it was not in the poll, because it will be the next milestone after the fortress. I’m already working on a modular system what will include different themes, not just dungeon, but town pack as well. I’ll release previews on the system in this spring, I believe it will be the “big thing”.


We got our next session this saturday, do you plan to release maybe the town before saturday? 😅


I’m sorry Philipp, no, the dungeon will be the first release, the village comes in two weeks.


Ah ok, thanks for your fast reply. Than our DM shall reorganize the story. Keep up your good work, I’m posting about your page in some places, hopefully you get more and more patrons ;)