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From now on, we provide you map data files with walls, doors, and lights set up for use in Foundry VTT. You will find the so-called JSON files in the WEBM subfolders.

We'll also share a muted webm and an mp3 sound file separately.  (By the way, these data files also work with the 4k m4v files and images in the same way)

I will be back soon with a video to show you how to import map data files into Foundry VTT if you're not so clear on what it is.

Try it now with the Narrows Escape or the new Harm Chambers map packs and their accompanying 5e mini-adventure.

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Get ready for fresh DnD fan content, more mini-dungeons with 5e adventures, and a revamped modular sewer set!

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Ashia Vain!

Great addiiton!

Marc Cram

This is amazing. Thank you!!!


Any chance of retrofitting old maps with this over time? I'd love to have this on all the past maps even if it took a year or two to get them all covered. Or if community members were willing to retrofit old maps, maybe they could send to you for a final review/polish and then you could post them for the old map packs?


Yes, I'd be very happy about that, because unfortunately, we won't have time to do the whole back catalog, but if someone already made walls, please contact us.