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The first of the Bust Chart images! We started with Kate since she's the leading female and while she's not on either end of the spectrum, she's a great starting point. You may notice her bra doesnt fit right, that's because in order to do an accurate size comparison you can't have any deformation from pressure on the breasts. So it's effectively painted on. Each character will have different underwear painted on based on their. . . Style. But as most of you know I won't do nudity. If you really want I can remove the underwear and just use a black bar but I thought the clothing was a better option. Let me know either by message or comment here! Hope you all like it and thank you all!




The line of the stomach looks kind of wrong...


Lincoln - Too strong? I am assuming you mean the horizontal one? Let me know and I'll see what I can do.


As Kate is quite slender and is standing straight it seems that the stomach should curve in rather than out.