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Hey everyone! Thanks again for a great month, this one went rather well especially compared to last month and the declined payment issue that Patreon had. Looks like that's been worked out and has stayed fixed! That said, we did still have a few declined patreons who I haven't heard anything from yet. If nothing happens with them soon we will be just short of the bust chart image again this month. I am also thinking about adding one or two commission slots that do not limit the commission to just the comic characters! So if anyone is interested in that It might be up for next month- if not the month after because- I have a convention coming up in September! I will be joining Ron "Nekonny" (Paprika), MasterGodai (Rascals), and Thomas Fischbach (Twokinds) at AWA in Atlanta. Thats Anime Weekend Atlanta. We should all have tables in the Artist alley but I am still waiting on an approval- even though I am splitting a table with Tom who has already been approved yada yada. It's some weird new rule saying you have to apply even if you are splitting a table... It's weird. I'll be there regardless!



I'm unfortunately one of those declined patrons. It happened to me last month, and that debacle was coincidentally just a few days after I moved. In attempting to fix it this month, I discovered that Patreon's system for adding a new credit cards is simply AWFUL. Their UI doesn't distinguish between different cards that are currently in the system, so when I added a new card, transferred my pledges to it, and then deleted the old one, I'd accidentally reversed that (deleted the new one, and retained the pledges on the old card) without realizing it. This happened THREE TIMES, which is why it took so long for my pledges to eventually go through. Since you're a creator here, rather than a lowly pledger, maybe you have some kind of access to the Patreon developers? Maybe a support forum? If so, could you ask them to fix this nonsense? Differentiating between multiple payment sources is Commerce Website UI Design 101, and this site would get a solid F in that class.


I'll see what I can do but, my record says your pledge was processed. So you are not one of the declines. No clue why you would see it as declined while it shows me it was processed.


So... do we patrons get an e-mail stating that our pledges have been declined? Since I have been hearing about this I've been concerned, however I see that my accout is being charged once a month.


Last month I was informed that Patreon is supposed to message people if their pledge was declined and the e-mail includes a link to both check your settings and an option to try re-charging your card in the case of a declined card. Which I didn't know before. That said, I've had some people say they never got an email, which means it could be either lost or thrown into a spam folder. If anyone else notices such a message, let me know so I can better understand the issues people are having.


I *was* declined, several times, until I finally managed to fix it a few days ago.


Here's what the "Your pledge was declined" email looks like. <a href="http://i.imgur.com/Gh7kSd2.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/Gh7kSd2.png</a>


Thank you very much for your help in getting the details on what goes on from your end Robert. I really appreciate it!