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Hey everyone. Thank you all for your support, it really means the world to me. You all make it possible for me to do what I love and I am working hard to become even better at what I do. I'm studying more anatomy, more styles, more methods of coloring and painting. It's amazing and I have you all to thank for it. That all said I want to know how you would all feel if I removed the extra comic milestone from the Patreon. I thought it was a good idea to begin with, and I have enjoyed the opportunity to put an extra comic out each month but I am starting to worry that with the extra pressure of getting another update into an already 3 update a week schedule that I don't put as much effort into the rest as I should, or even manage to burn myself out in a week that can have lasting repercussions on further updates. Doing a comic is a lot more work than just sketching, inking and coloring. It takes hours of planning and writing to get arcs set and to make sure I'm not back tracking too much, all while trying to make sure it's entertaining for almost every update or worth doing (that is doing something to setup something even more fun that needs time and more than a single page to pull off effectively). I'd like to open some slots for Public Full Color commissions. Probably much like the current tier for commissions. Well - I have rambled long enough. Please, if you have the time comment on this or if you want to keep it private, message me or email me at sage25@gmail.com and let me know if you are ok with the dropping of that mile stone so that I can free up some time to focus more and hopefully offer more fun artwork for everyone to enjoy without the strain. Thank you for your time! -Phil "Sage" Brown



Yes I've had no problem keeping up with the bonus comic. The plus side to the "New Webcomic" is I would be making enough from Patreon to not have to do any other side work for anyone unless I had the time to do it, so I could schedule it properly. It would be a once per week or once per 2 weeks updated comic. But we aren't there yet. One of the main issues with the extra Yosh! comic is it uses up my scripting that I've already done a little bit faster and causes some pacing issues. Occasionally ive been able to get it to work for me, pushing out an area of the story that I want to get out faster, but other times it has pushed pacing past where I'm comfortable just because "it was due".


Drop the extra comic a month and we lose, what 1/13 of updates a month? If I complained about you dropping from 3.25 to 3 a week....I follow some with one update a week. I follow things on hiatus! You still update! If I complained about this, I'd probably ask myself "How DARE you!" In all seriousness, and the end of the debate, it's your choice, and your comic. Both quality and quantity are nice, but burning out is just going to trash both. So if you feel going for 3.25 to 3 puts you in the black, by all means, tip that scale to where you're comfortable. (Yay for having a ton of metaphors mashed up and still keeping that...relatively understandable?)