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This is the one that kicked off the Jean & Chloe franchise so to speak! It's a bit over a year old now. At that point I hadn't developed their designs yet so they were really just bastardizations of the characters from my webcomic, Phantomland (hence the eyepatch). The initial premise was of this very powerful, very hedonistic man who would have sex with any random girl he encounters, anywhere and anytime (though Chloe ends up getting special treatment).

"And what would you like, sir?"
"I'm not hungry, miss, but I think I'll have you"

Read cranky-kyrati's fic series inspired by this art if you still haven't, btw. It's really good, and my input also goes into it!

This first iteration was pretty sloppy. Often a new idea will pop into my head and I try to draw the thing quickly while it feels novel and exciting. Then, eventually it hits me... "hold on, is it that good though? Are other people gonna understand this one?" and the next thought: "welp, it'll feel bad if I put a ton of effort to it and nobody even gets it". So I ended up posting a sloppy version to test the waters. Luckily for me people loved it though!

I worked on this polished version over many, many months. It turned out to be pretty tedious because I don't enjoy drawing backgrounds or side characters that much. Nevertheless I decided to expand both areas to establish the setting better. I wanted the restaurant to look a bit more high class. It felt important to add another waitress as well.

Finished version. There are still details I'd like to polish a bit more, but maybe it's good enough for now...


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