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arashi and ariko being down with food poisoning and nao being down bad over the glow up of his childhood bestie LMAOO. miyafam being a hazardous bunch just like the previous generation!

seina inheriting akaashi’s astute eyes and everything new she’s learning in 0.5 seconds and understanding finally why naoyuki performed so badly, and knowing that kaien is a little ignorant of his impact. neesan gives him a little nudge, but kaien takes her advice too literally… 🤡




Omg Kaien’s eyes when Nao has his poor spit take 😂

Vanessa N

I am loving everything about this. You capture a combination of the parents’ personalities so well in all the children. Seina being this lethal combination of Bokuto and Akaashi’s beauty. Having Akaashi’s stunning eyes and his cunning perception and Bo’s energy. She is so perfectly THEM. And Nao’s guarded expression that to him feels like the best kind of front to hide his emotions, but also being so telling to others 😫 and the little miscommunication at the end 😂 poor Nao.