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whoops it wasn’t two nsfw comic series BUT 🔥FIVE🔥 AHHAHAHAHA FML THIS IS HOW CARRIED AWAY I GET WITH SPICY STORIES. OKOKOKOKOK THIS IS DA PLAN based on peach oolong’s poll! i will focus on:

  • vampire omi and col student atsu 
  • finish up halloween  
  • new christmas spicy for december
  • resume miniskirt comic
  • resume terminal curiosity
  • resume body pillow comic!

sorry for being a mess and thank you for keeping tabs 😭💦




You being a mess and starting so many NSFW comics means we'll have a lot to read, so be a mess, Ally! :p (You already finished the ones you mentioned here, if I'm right, but my comment still works xD)

Vanessa N

I love how you kind of lost track of the spicy WIPs 😂 when I used to write often I would love track of the storylines I was writing too hahaha! I am so excited for all of these in any order they come out in. I think it’s best to focus on what is inspiring you most!