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life motivation: omi background angst!!!!! i hope the flow of the story makes sense and that it was clear that omi was too out of it to really bond with nao at the start! once things went south with atsumu, he sort of lost himself and saw nao as a big unknown factor of what he fears and is alienated from - fatherhood. 

however, the moment nao opens his eyes to reveal the honey amber pools that is so identical to tsumu’s, that brings omi back down to earth and gives him the last boost of strength he needed.

thank you for cheering me all the way for this one!!!! I faced a lot of blocks with it and creative struggles bc I haven't done angst-angst in so long and work has been overwhelming but reading your comments really keeps my motivation up to push through. ;;;3;;;👌👌




This story will forever be one of my favorites, really, it's incredible, so full of emotions, I love it so much... I have no words to express what I feel about it. This family you created means the world to me and all three of them make me feel so many things ;~; thank you really much for that ♡


Naoyuki is my favorite thing to come out of becoming a haikyuu fan 💕💕