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reading everyone’s comments very seriously in the poll AGDHFHA THE HEADACHE IS A STRONG DILEMMA JUST LIKE OMI IS FACING NOW BUT there’s one thing for sure i know that i wanted to do, emphasise betas’ importance in packs!

 i don’t like how in omegaverse betas are always put aside like they don’t matter, suna as a beta is very important especially amongst athletes. betas’ roles in packs are key!

they keep omegas in their packs soothed and safe until alphas they approve of enter and are welcomed to lead them, while their own pheromones (even though much weaker compared to alphas and omegas) keep omegas and alphas in heat/rut temporarily level headed to get them into a safe space.

that’s what i wanted suna to come in for as only betas are free to enter a den when another alpha/omega is in heat/rut to bring in food/drinks as they’re immune to the influences of their pheromones and present no threat to alphas. without his help omi would’ve sunk under and they would’ve fucked their brains out into exhaustion and dehydration and it would’ve been dangerous!!! AHAHAHAHA

omegaverse is really flexible for everyone to narrate in their own terms but i really wanted betas to be important to a full and well rounded pack in my own omegaverse! ALSO THE BIGGEST PUPPY DOG EYED OMEGA ATSU! STAY STRONG OMI!




betarin to the rescue 😭

Faylan Lee

I'm addicted. I keep checking for a update 🥵 the way you are protraying the Omega versus so refreshing I'm addicted

Vanessa N

I love that Suna is trusted with this intimate moment, especially with Atsumu laying there naked. And even though he makes his antagonistic comments, he’s still there, he brings what is needed to help and he does what he can and I love that about him. Sakusa is one strong man to resist for that long because I don’t think I could.

Leo S.

haven't subscribed for a while but OMG, your art style?????? idk how to actually articulate the thoughts I have inside my brain but it seems even more prominent, mature, and even more expressive. your arts have always been so good at expressing emotions and actions. parts of the reason why I'm so attached to all characters. but this one made me notice the improvement. i love it so much. love all your characters. praying tsumu doesn't go into a drop 🫶🫡