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here’re their positions hehehe it’s so fun introducing the babies one by one to you guys and filling them up in the rosters along the way! 🤩🤩 still thinking about ariko if she’s better as a beta or an alpha so hers is KIV! 🫨 hope this answers all your questions bc the kids presentations has also been asked for a number of times so sorry it took awhile for me to compile a chart! 🥳



Vanessa N

This is such a tease but I also love that you’re keeping us in suspense about Nao and Kaien. Seina as an alpha is everything I needed. I can 100% see Ariko being a beta. She feels so similar to Suna, in her expressions and her mischievousness.


with how clingy nao has always been, i can see him as an omega. omegas are more likely to seek comfort in those close to them, and i feel like this is a trait nao has based on his relationship with his parents and osamu. (seeing as how even as a teenager he's always reaching out to them and being physically clingy) this could just be a combination of his personality and his issues with not always having his parents around as a kid, but i still think you can compare it a bit to kaien who also had to deal with his parents traveling often and he isn't nearly as clingy as naoyuki is. and with how jealous kaien is of isao (who we know is an alpha) i can see him being an alpha who's very protective of the people he loves and cares about. i know an alpha x omega dynamic is seen as kinda basic, but i just think it fits the characteristics of naokai that we've seen so far.😜