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Here's the public batch of January Patreon reward sketches, aka all of the requests I received that I got the okay to share in public, not a whole lot this month but it is what it is. As I mentioned on discord a few days ago, these are with a slight delay due to me straight up forgetting it was weekend already before I got to the grayscale effects I usually add to them and considering past experiences I've had with severe burnout, I'm trying to be firm with the boundaries I've set to ensure I will never ever go through that again. So I postponed them for after the weekend but with a little surprise of flatcoloring them all 😌💖

.... Then the spirit of art took over and I might've overdone it a little. I hope you like them and as always, thank you SO much for your support!! 🙏💕




Another amazing batch, thanks for the color


Your art is so cute and pretty, thank you for another month of delicious eye candy 👀👀👀👀