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Kicking off monday with actually finishing up an older WIP because I was really feeling it and honestly? I cooked with this.  I'm really happy with the rendering 😤

Year of the dragon doesn't just mean dragon booba, it also means dragon appreciating booba 😌 Kiran did not see that coming.

Pretty sure I posted a flatcolor WIP of this a while ago here already where I mentioned that the pose idea itself is from one of those twitter "draw your pair in this" redraw memes that a friend sent me, important fun-fact is that I had to downsize the booba in comparison to the OG imagine and it's still alot bigger than what I usually draw Kiran with 🙈 The pose idea is very funny though and I really like the expressions I gave them both 🫶 Grima is a smug bastard, as usual.




Smug, horny studs are just, mwah. ~