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now here's the patreon reward sketches for november, thank you for the requests! 🙌✨

Since I had some excellent entertainment while doodling and got super sucked in while finally watching the Ahsoka series, I ended up coloring them for fun too, I hope you like it!! Thank you so much for your support and especially your patience for this batch considering the overall circumstances! 🙏💕

Also just wanted to thank you guys again for the well wishes I received and those of you who wanted to skip their request for this month so I'd have less stress and more recovery time, I haven't gotten around to say alot to it yet but it's been SO much appreciated as well and means alot to me so I'm sending you guys a big hug and hope your December and holiday season will be absolutely magnificent 🫂💖

Now that I caught up with these I'll be writing the December update tomorrow & work on the flash poll picture, it's gotten quite late for today and my bed is calling me but I hope you guys can enjoy my work of today! 🙏





jacob obara

Every day we get Fjorm we are closer to heaven