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Hello y'all! 👋

I've come to you guys with an update post but not a pleasant one, if you kept up to date with discord you already know what this is about but since I figured not everyone does I'll type out a proper update. 

So after returning from my wonderful London trip I ended up getting sick, had some fairly high fever for a day and a still concerningly high heart rate, even for my POTS-standarts (120bpm while laying flat in bed and up to over 170bpm  from just standing up, no strain or anything)  , it's been so bad that I ended up hitting the hospital to figure out what's going on since I was in no condition to walk anywhere myself and as it turns out I apparently got Covid 💀 I'm vaccinated thankfully but still they had to keep me in the hospital for the day for surveillance for my own safety to make sure my heart & lungs aren't damaged and to see if it gets worse or not. 

Thankfully it didn't get worse at least so I got sent home to recover but I've gotten strict orders to take at least 6 days of bedrest to recover considering my pre-condition with my POTS and having to be mindful of my heart so I have to delay the flash fanart voting poll I originally wanted to do for the end of the month until I have recovered fully and the Patreon reward sketches as well. I hope I will be feeling better after those six days but rn I'm honestly still feeling pretty shitty.  I'm like 99% sure I know exactly who's responsible for it too because it lines up perfectly with the average incubation time, since we were staying in a shared guest house and the other guests we got in the middle of the week were coughing nonstop and OF COURSE refused to wear masks or even clean after themselves , they clogged up the kitchen sink too on day one 💀 Anyways-

I'm super grateful to those of you who already sent me their well wishes over discord,  means alot to me and I'm sending you lots of love back🥺💕 I'll be staying in bed for the next few days, my apologies things ended up being this way for the end of the month, I certainly had much different things in mind and I'll be catching up on everything once I'm feeling better again 🙏 

I just absolutely won't push myself or risk my health in any way considering I am already at a higher risk with my chronic illness for things to get nasty and I'd really like to avoid that which I hope you guys understand. Thank you guys for reading this and hopefully see you in a few days under better circumstances! 🙏💕

 I'll keep you updated on discord in case there's news, good or bad



Oh my goodness, that's really scary!! I hope you recover soon, please take care!!


Glad to hear your London Trip went well. I do hope you get a easy time recovering.