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kinda forgot to post this here with the irl stress of the recent days but here's another fun practise doodle I've done this month!! Cordelia from FE : Awakening. This was technically a commission because I didn't know which character to draw for the doodle I wanted to do so I decided to let somebody else decide for win-win for me and the other person c:

As I think I mentioned on a previous one of these that I shared, I've been doing alot of busts this month for power-practise as combination of several things I've been wanting to work & practise on : Lighting, simpler styles, Human faces and angles in general and composition so my big brain solution to that were these. I was considering doing some furry characters too but with those I never struggle as hard as I still do with humans so much 😔
Sometimes I feel like I'm not improving at drawing humans at all hhhh  but I know that's not true when I look at a majority of my stuff from like two years ago. Still it feels like it. I'm grateful for the month of practise I got now though, I managed to get a bunch of breakthroughs and focus points for myself as also figuring out some things that are bothering me with my own art, which is pretty important so I can work on them

