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So I finally got around to properly line and flatcolor this, this will also have a lingerie version and is NOT final obviously, just a quick WIP 😉 I might be changing up and especially cleaning up some details on this in the overall process (especially on the background) so yeah this is not final. I've also decided to slap a big WIP text on most of my WIPs from now on since some people apparently think it's funny posting them elsewhere when I'm not really comfortable with having in-progress and unfinished art shared around like it's finished, especially when I end up changing alot of things :/  But I'm very happy with drawing her again, it's a crime I haven't drawn proper Shamir nsfw yet haha.

this will also be one of the voteable options in this month's poll for me to finish this month! I will most likely finish it at some point like most of my WIPs, question is just when since the time for that can vary alot 🥲 so yeah, you can vote for Shamir later too if you like this WIP alot!






This is amazing so far!!