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I will add more to these later and also probably polish them since I'm in a bit of a hurry atm. And don't have alot of time due to me being on a short vacation atm visiting a friend in a whole different country. So the monthly update post will also be delayed a little, most likely will post it once I'm back home later this week!

So for now, these are a bit simpler than I usually do them in terms of greyscale and such but I hope you like them regardless! 🙏💕

I also want to use this post after a very unfortunate recent event where someone did not read my update posts on me posting the sketches  after the weekend since I try to not work during weekends to not get burned out again and went straight up to complain to patreon about not getting their sketch, to remind you guys that if you have a deadline for your sketch aka you REALLY insist on getting your sketch on the last day of the month if said day would fall on a weekend or me being on vacation/loaded with appointments or something like that, please just let me know in advance and just talk to me! I would like to keep it up with not working 7 days a week since it does wonders to my mental health and for you to keep in mind that I am a person to that not only had a big burnout episode earlier this year already but also suffers from chronic illness which is unpredic in its flare ups so there's always the possibility for some small delays. But I try to be open about these sort of things and keep you updated if there will be a small delay, so please just read my updates and communicate with me if you have questions or concerns, thank you.




As usual, a nice mix of cute and sexy! Good work!


I love all of these so, so much 😭 (although please explain the wheel in the first one to me LOL). They're all so cute; I love the way you draw expressions, specifically when conveying pleasure, because they all look like they're having a good time and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside haha. Hope you have a nice trip, and stay safe!


Thank you so much!! ;v; You gotta ask the person who requested this for the full context (if they want to share and read this!) . And yeah it's very important for me to draw people have an actually good time when sharing intimate moments because that's what it's all about for me c: Thank you, I had a great time!! <3