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As I've been saying in discord earlier today, I've been pretty beat thanks to a POTS flare in the past 2 days (thankfully mostly weekend time anyways) so yesterday I had to take the whole day off to just rest and recover but today I'm feeling a bit better already so I decided to doodle a little. Or rather, fix and color this since it fits the spirit of simptember very well 😏

You might not like it, but this is what (my) ideal wife looks like. This is peak performance. The bane of my bisexuality 😂

I think I should really at least properly design her whole outfit, I have a rough idea/concept but nothing concrete aside from Grimleth's heashot doodle I made a while ago, which is... not exactly the best thing to work with , so take her clothes and the patterns below her chest as possibly not final. The stockings are very much based off Byleth's tights with some extra lace ✨ I'm still contemplating if she'd have the fell dragon's brand on her hand (or possibly elsewhere on her body) sincd I guess she technically also is fell blood? But for now I've left it out, might add it later though!




Glad to hear you're feeling better! Also, I love her, this is an amazing doodle :D