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good lord it's already March and the year has been insane so far, I hope all of you are staying safe and please make sure to not doomscroll too much!! 🙏❤️

Things have been absolutely insane in the past week especially so make sure to look out for each other in these very trying times, we really can't catch a break in the past two-ish years it seems ^^;

There's also some actual development on my side in terms of updates too that are not bad/good but a few of your already know that my partner has been considering for a while to switch jobs for a number of reasons but with the flooding, the pandemic and the still existing limitations in public transport he had put it off for a long time because under current circumstances there's no guarantee he'll instantly get a new one at a different location but with recent developments he decided to finally take the step and is going to look for something else. What does this have to do with my patreon you might ask?
Well since there's no guarantee for a swift translation to another job due to the way things in my region are atm. I might end up having to carry more of the overall expenses for a while so essentially I gotta make more money to pay rent & bills. 🙏

So I have to promote my patreon more and will most likely do some more exclusive pictures here, best outcome would be there won't be any financial issues but in the worst case if I end up not being able to shoulder it I might end up having to quit the whole thing and look for a regular and better paying job in the absolute worst case... which I personally don't hope is going to happen and I try to stay optimistic but you always gotta consider the worst outcome 😓 So yeah, gotta do some extra work and also promote my patreon a little more in the next few weeks, wish me luck everything's going to turn out alright! It's going to be a very uncertain time but hopefully it'll bring positive change.

I also plan to re-open simple style commissions again through the month, not sure yet when but there's a few small projects I want to finish before.

if anyone is interested in patreon plus rewards (flatcolor only) for their February sketch, send me a message on discord! c:

Voting poll will go live in a few days, as always I'm open for character or couple suggestions so if you have any, please comment them under this post! ♥

Sketch submission timeframe will be posted at a later point again, delaying it to later in the month honestly has done wonders to my stress levels as I usually finish up most of the monthly work first now before having to have that in the back of my mind so I plan to keep it like this :>

That should be it for now, if I forgot something I'll let you know!
Thank you all so much for the support and patience, especially during these hard times and while I'm restructuring everything. It's very much appreciated and I'm sending you all my well wishes! <3  

Wishing you all a wonderful March and enjoy the first warm days of spring! 💖



I suggest Lillia from League of Legends because she's cute !