[Gift] Incubus Byleth (Patreon)
Currently enjoying my weekend and I normally try to not work and do work-related things during the time but I actually put some time aside to finish this since it's a little piece of gift art for a friend of mine whom I promised to draw a Halloween!Byleth pinup after he refused to show up for her AND we noticed the lack of solo M!byleth nsfw art 😏
I still can't believe they made an incubus M!Byleth alt and nobody drew nsfw of it?? shame. So I did lol. The claws aren't actually part of his design but we both just love claws so -
It's so weird to actually just post a full male nude pinup here since I rarely draw these but she got to pick how much he's going to wear for the picture and well you can see what her choice was 😂 Can't say I'm super experienced in drawing dick but it was a fun practise and my friend was very happy about it and that's the most important thing c: I still need to practise drawing men more though, drawing male anatomy is hard but I try! Gotta study more 💪
She also drew me an amazing birthday gift picture so aside from my promise it's also my way of thanking her for it.
So yeah this might not be what I usually post here nor what most of you expect to see here but it fits perfectly for Nutvember and men deserve some nice pinup art too 😉
I hope you all have a lovely sunday! 💖