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By popular demand (yes I've been actually asked by several people if I'm going to draw this c':) my contribution to the Starbucks milk meme ✨ Whenever I see some sort of stupid meme that gives me an opportunity to draw booba there's a 70% chance I'm going to draw it if I have the time to do so 😂 I started doodling a Grima version too but first I gotta work on some other things unfortunately, I hate it when the really fun memes show up when I technically have NO time to draw my own version of them. But man did I draw alot of BOOB this month, not as if this is a bad thing but it's very amusing to me.  

Barista Kiran is ready to take your order ~




Oh this meme, while I do find it dumb, but I do enjoy naked apron, also cute touch on the apron itself!