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I'm a little late with this this month, my apologies for that!
Been taking it easy in the past few days to make sure my health situation remains somewhat stable ๐Ÿ™

It's.... March again. Can't believe it's been a whole year now since things went to shit, but I'm glad we all made it so far! Not sure how you guys are feeling but I at least can say that the overall covid & lockdown situation has taken its toll on me and my health, things are generally just stressful and it often feels like the lockdown never ends, it's just generally super exhausting and draining. But I don't want to get too gloomy here, I'm pretty sure alot of you feel the same. I still believe we'll be able to get through this though! ๐Ÿ’– Things will be normal again at some point!

I actually don't have any bigger plans for this month aside from the usual, have a nice voting poll for this month, hopefully finishing up two more commissions and when my time (and especially motivation & health because in the last two months my head is just constantly empty ) allows it , I'd love to go through with last month's plan of doodling more Loona and also finish my Freyja sketch!! Also started coloring my Vulpix doodle since alot of you seemed to like it alot and I was also quite happy with how it turned out! โœจ And maybe do some self-indulgent art ,,, I miss drawing Kiran & Grima.

If you guys have some suggestions for the voting poll, please let me know!

For the chocolate tier people, please send me your sketch ideas until the 12th of the month, via discord please and make sure to have your character references pinned!
Due to my current health situation I will also not send out the sketches from last month individually, so please make sure to download your sketch from the compilation post! The only exception from this is the one I'm still working on.

I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniece this might cause and for not being available much at current times, I unfortunately have to take it pretty slow so most of my energy goes into working so I at least can provide y'all with some nice art ๐Ÿ’–. I try to take care of urgent messages as soon as I can in case someone sends me any questions and such but please make sure to contact one of the mods on the server if you have urgent questions and want a fast reply ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’– Thank you! <3  

This should be all for now, if I forgot anything on this post I'll update it later, I'm super tired atm. so please excuse if I might've missed something!
Thank you guys so much for your support and may you have a great march! Stay strong everyone! <3



suggestion for the poll? have you ever done Wilykit from Thundercats?


wait, i got a better suggestion way more likely to be picked : Elora from Spyro reignited