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Hey everyone and welcome to 2021!
We successfully made it through the trainwreck that 2020 was, which is something we all can be proud of since it really wasn't easy. Alot happened and is still happening so please make sure to still stay safe 🙏💖 I hope your first week of the year hasn't been too bad and you and your loved ones are doing alright.

I'm a day late with this update post since I got struck by another Migraine yesterday that was far worse than the one I had just a few days ago so I was pretty much kinda dead all day long yesterday :/ But thankfully I'm feeling better today! Also this post generally is a little later this month since I wanted to finish Mipha first before making any sort of other announcements and such :> Once again thank you very much for giving me the time to make it the best possible picture it could be! 💖

The voting for this month's picture will go live later today, I do have quite a few good ideas for this month and I hope you'll like them too! :>

aside from that I'm also working really hard on finishing the last commission from my regular batch, I'm ~ 50% done with it atm. And plan to get it hopefully done soon so I can re-open my commissions later this month! I also plan to do a few more simple shade commissions this month, so if you're interested in these, you can get your ideas & refs ready already c:
After I'm done with the last commission I'm finishing my Robin WIP & start working on my twitter art raffle winner picture! 👀 Aside from that I'm also going to doodle a few friends & mutual's Ocs in my spare time bcs there were so many good suggestions in my new year's thread and alot of them have been really nice & kind to me so I want to repay their kindness ♥ Another thing from my personal to do list is designing a new year's Alt for Kiran and a Day of devotion alt for Grima hehe. But these are pretty much optional for when the mood  & inspiration strikes :)

I'm having quite a few doctor's appointments this month but thankfully not related to anything involving my hands so they don't really interfere with my ability to work but depending on the outcome of some of them I'll have to make a seperate update post *if * there will be a certain outcome but I'm staying optimistic for now and just hope that won't be the case. So if there won't be an update during this month in that regard, everything's alright! :>

For the chocolate tier people, please send me your sketch idea via discord until the 15th of this month! Please make sure to pin your character references, especially if there's alot of conversation happening in between so I can easier find them.

Also on another general note, please do not spam me with messages during weekends demanding me to reply instantly or when I explicitely said that I'm not around or not feeling well like f.e. I'm dealing with a migraine. I've decided to take half your points balance if this happens the first time and completely exclude you from any art related rewards, which means no reward sketches, no point trade ins etc. Same goes for spamming me with guilt-tripping messages or trying to get me to make an „exception“  when you missed the submission deadline.
Also dm-spamming me about how it isn't fair that your favorite option in the poll didn't win and that you hate the option that won. This isn't aimed towards anyone specific (well unless you did any of these in the past) but all of this has happened more than once now in general and I decided to put some harsher consequences on it because I don't want to spend several hours conversing with someone again over them trying to guilt me into getting their way and I have to draw some lines.

Weekends are my off time and I'm not going to take care of anything work related during these, same goes for holidays and if you miss a deadline, you missed the deadline. Messaging me & talking to me is totally fine of course! but please do it in a respectful way also keep in mind that my time is limited and I am just one single person. Thank you so much for understanding! If I forgot anything in this post, I'll update it later!

As usual, if you do have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to message me or one of the discord mods if I'm not around! :) Thank you all so much for your support and may our 2021 be a good year! ♥


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