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okay so y'all voted for self indulgence this month so y'all get self-indulgence 👀

I hope you don't mind that I took this as opportunity to not just work on one picture but instead just several ones and finish some older WIPs too because I didn't really have just one big idea art idea for this. This is technically a prequel picture to one I posted a few weeks ago but I never got to finish it until now so chronologically it's before the other one!
I enjoy drawing them in the library ( or in this case it's actually Kiran's table in the tactic's room) because it's a such a good setting and a risky scenario 👀 I guess Grima just often gets annoyed when Kiran is paying more attention to her work than to him so he gets her attention in other ways c': Not like he cares much about "is this the right place or situation for this kind of thing?".
And yes those are just a whole bunch of hickeys and bitemarks on her neck

Bellestarmon and the patreon reward sketches are now next on my to-do list! 💪




It's incredibly beautiful on so many more levels than just aestethic