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I've been asked alot last month if I could draw Nightmare moon or Luna for spooky month so I ended up doodling this Luna picture but ran out of time last month to finish it, ended up doing it as warmup & cooldown from my current commission work in the recent days! :)

This is my humble offering to you guys for this month's extra picture! (aside from what I draw as personal art for myself as usual) so no sharing of this outside of patreon until I post it on twitter please ♥ After all it's my special exclusive 'thank you' for your support! :>
I hope my pony loving supporters like it!

Title was picked in light of the recent news, congrats to my American followers for getting the 🍊 out of the office 🎉🎉
I hope you all will have a great weekend!~

There's a special level of irony in me finishing this now considering that there was this one dude who's been spamming my inbox just two days ago and complaining about me not drawing enough horse while I was actively working on this on the side c': I usually have a pretty long to-do list so I don't have the time to constantly draw the same thing (aside from my personal Grima & FE related work maybe, but I also only work on that in my free time and when I'm motivated )and usually work on multiple projects at once.
Also always remember, I have a broad range of things I draw and you can always post suggestions in discord on what you'd like to see me draw or character suggestions for the voting polls! Sure there's no guarantee I'll pick your suggestion (unless you commission me, of course) , but I always read them and am interested in knowing what you'd like to see from me! :D  Just... don't expect me to read your mind in these regards, that's unfortunately nothing I can do haha.

Just thought I should mention that again due to recent events 🙏🏼




Wow, I love this so much! The perfect Luna, in a perfect position <3


Ah yes the penis is also my favorite constellation


Such a wonderful moon horse! Really like how her mane and rump shines, and the constellation pillow is cute