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Okay so this is unplanned personal art because during my time feeling kinda down and burned out in the past week I took my time to distract myself with (binge)watching the netflix she-ra series which has been on my watchlist for an awful long time but I never got my ass to watch it..
. partly because I was mostly to busy to watch 5 seasons and also partly because I've been growing up  with and loved the original series (I've also watched 3 whole different he-man series and alot of other old cartoons like Bravestarr haha ) and didn't want to potentially disappoint myself. Mostly due to Netflix not exactly being known for good adaptions/reboots of existing things (*coughs* Death note *coughs* )

.... what can I say I'm more than pleasantly surprised, I absolutely loved it, the whole series was a ride, I LOVE how they changed all the characters I know and love and (in my eyes) made them so much better, gave them so much more personality, better designs and basically just improved everything!! I especially absolutely fell on love with these two and their whole dynamic... I just !!! LOVE THEM!!! SO MUCH !!!! I've been yelling for days straight about them and I especially would die for Entrapta I just love her so much hhhhh .

But both of them deserve the world and have stolen my heart, I just HAD to draw them together and inspiration has hit me really hard to, so here you have this unexpected and unplanned Entrapdak fanart piece! If you haven't watched the Netflix she-ra series, PLEASE DO it's SO good and I have so many feels about it.

I might be drawing them again in the future, especially considering I'm currently re-watching it with Cion this time since he got curious enough to want to watch it too and he loves it.



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