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Hey everyone!
It's already may, can you believe it?  April went by super fast compared to March, at least for me. Hope you all are doing alright and well during the still lasting quarantine situation and you're all healthy and safe.

I don't really have much planned for this month, still struggeling with art block although it's not as bad as it was last month so that's something, but aside from art projects there's not much else to do this month thanks to Corvid-19. Originally I had two cons planned for this month and a cosplay project to work on but everything got cancelled so it's mostly just staying at home which is good for working but not exactly super good for my general motivation. I'm planning on working on the commissions I've been taking recently for this month and well, the voted picture. I do already have an idea on what to do for a bonus patreon exclusive picture but I'll see if I won't get a better idea during the month.

For the fanart voting, if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment them underneath so I have some characters to check out and add to it, would be especially neato if it's somewhat Mermay themed!

For the chocolate tier people, please send in your sketch request idea until the 15th of this month! prefered via discord and make sure it's appropriate for a non-plus sketch request, I will not accept any requests that include f.e. three characters or more, a super detailled background and edits. Also please make sure to send character references and pin them so they're easier to find.

I also have another general note, please do not flood me with work-related messages during the weekends, especially not on sundays since I'm doing my best to keep my weekends work-free. I'm also currently busy with sorting out alot of IRL things and taking care of some personal non-art related projects and managing commissions, so it might take a bit until  can respond to some messages, thank you very much in advance for your patience! ♥

That's all for now, I hope you all had a good start into the new month and thank you so much for your support! ♥ I'll keep you updated if there's any new annoucements etc.

May this month be great for you all!