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Since the ending of the series has been leaked yesterday, I decided to do a little tribute picture to MLP:FIM since I've been in the fandom since 2012 and the series influenced my life quite alot. Not only did it give me the chance to become a fulltime artist, I also met many amazing people through it over the years, including my bestest friend in the whole world!

Big thanks also to all people who joined in on the stream where I finished this piece from the basecolors to the final touches, the lines were done on my Ipad in CSP. Thank you so much for keeping me company ♥

I haven't seen the final episode yet so this has no spoiler content, I just wanted to draw a wholesome mane 6 group hug to show my gratitude to these six amazing ponies which I hold very dear to my heart.

Oh you can also get this picture as a high quality art print on my society six store!

Thank you so much!




A lovely tribute. Thanks for contributing so much great art to the fandom over the years!


Oh man, it's been that long? Having a pile of happy horses sharing a hug is a wonderful tribute, love the detail on their eyes and the highlights of the mane. And like what the guy above said, thank you for what you have created over the years!


Great picture! Makes me a little melancholy for the final episode. I haven't seen it yet either.


yeah I can't believe it's been that long already, feels like yesterday when I got into the series ;; Thank you very much, I put alot of effort into these two things especially! You're most welcome, Thank you for having me as a part of the fandom and for loving my art!


Thank you very much! ♥ Still haven't seen it myself either, but I'm also not ready since I don't want it to end