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I'm a bit late with posting this here since I've already posted it on twitter earlier today, but I'm still on vacation and thus mostly busy during the days since I'm spending alot of my time outside with my brother and friends! So I hope you accept my apology :)

This picture was done as a combination of the little question I've posted on twitter a while ago where I was asking for (mostly) background ponies people would like to see me draw that I've never drawn before and me trying out drawing on an Ipad with Clip studio paint!
I've neither used an Ipad before nor properly used CSP for drawing ( I mostly use it for color correction since I love my Sai with my custom brushes too much ) but Sai is not available for the ipad so I had to live with this option. The picture might look a bit different from what you're used to from my side, but I didn't have my trusty and beloved brushes so I had to work with what I had. I'm personally quite happy with the result though!

I hope you like it ♥




She's gorgeous! Thanks so much for drawing my favorite background pony <3


amazing work, everything about this looks great