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I've been gifted a new tablet today and decided to try it out with a little  Somnambula piece!
Finally I have a tablet again that I can easily take with me when I'm not at home and travelling since the Cintiq I got is a bit.... unhandy when it comes to that, also it always needs two plugs with my laptop as well which is more than most trains have available for one person c':
Also travelling with an old Cintiq isn't the most fun thing you can imagine since you always have to worry about breaking the cables, so I am very happy now, I mean I did have an old Bamboo tablet before that but it's so old, the driver hasn't been updated since Windows 8 and whenever I use it with my cintiq installed the drivers just clash and you can't use any of them properly xD oh well, enough of the smalltalk!

This is pretty much the updated version of an older sketch I made in my sketchbook. The background was more of a quick and spontanous last minute decision, but I'm glad I went with it! :D 




Congrats on the new tablet! And pretty neat Somnambula, I like how the mane is shaded


Nice! More Somnambula is always a good thing


Thank you! ♥ I'm super happy about it myself because I've been wanting a new portable tablet for a while now, the Cintiq I own is pretty unhandy