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Heya everyone!~

I've been waiting with this post until april fools day passed so nobody thought any of the information here was some sort of joke so I'm sorry I'm a bit late!

As you might've seen, my patreon rework went officially live now ! I've added some fancy new tier pictures I've been working on during march and also updated all the tier descriptions plus linked a bunch of new info pages and the points-  and reward list! I hope you all like the new things I've spent alot of thoughts and work into this and I'm pretty proud with the outcome :D  If you have any questions regarding the rework at anytime, please don't hesitate to ask me, I'll gladly assist you!

a little note regarding the points balance list: it might take up to two days (at absolute max) for any changes to show up there since I'm not updating the list myself, one of my friends takes care of that since he's more experienced with it.

For all the chocolate tier people, the deadline for your sketch submission Is April 10th!
please send me what you want for your sketch via PM or (prefered) Discord!

As for my monthly schedule, I plan to finish the final cut of the YCH animation ( I got told that I can take as much time for it as I want which I really appreciate ), the next page of the collab comic page and hopefully the Cover art for it as well and the next page for the RD comic commission (which I had to delay for a bit ). Otherwise it's patreon reward sketches and I also got a new art trade on my to-do list (which has no deadline though). You can find my whole to-do list for the month on my main patreon post.

That's all for now, thank you all so much for your support ♥
It really means the world to me and thanks for still staying with me even after my rework!


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